Open letter to the monster I loved

Subject: Open letter to the monster I loved
From: Nobody
Date: 3 Oct 2024

I find myself wrestling with a profound sense of pain. The exhaustion from this emotional chaos burdens me heavily. My love for you ran deep, and I made every effort to express it. Yet, it appears that my vulnerability was misinterpreted as a flaw, something you could exploit. I often reflect on why you couldn’t return the affection I offered. I held on for as long as I could, but the erosion of my spirit and the torment of these feelings have brought me to a breaking point. I’ve chosen to let go; I can no longer bear this suffering.

Now that I’m free from the illusion you kept me trapped in for so long, I can finally perceive the truth: nothing was as it seemed. You never loved me; instead, you used me for your own gain. If someone were to ask me to describe you, "evil" would be the only fitting word. No decent person could treat another the way you treated me; the actions you took are unimaginable for anyone with a conscience. Loving you nearly shattered me. What has happened is in the past, and this pain will not last indefinitely. I will move forward, burying the memory of this relationship.

The only prayer I have for you is that God shows mercy on your soul. Thank you for staying away long enough for me to regain my clarity and remember who I am. I know what I deserve, and it is certainly not what you offered. This is my closure from your manipulations, lies, and control. Don’t think to return, because the person you’re searching for no longer exists. I hope your next partner leaves you sooner than I did and doesn’t have to endure the same torment I faced. I feel for her, but as for you, I am numb.

