Dear Colleges: An Open Letter From An Angry Student

Subject: Dear Colleges: An Open Letter From An Angry Student
From: A stressed out, tired, and pissed off student.
Date: 19 Feb 2016

Dear Colleges,
With the first month of school over, I am angry with a couple of my professors. Please explain why you are forcing me to show up to class when you do not teach. Being a commuter, I have to leave about an hour earlier than when my class actually starts. With a 10:20 class, I have to leave my house by 9:20 in order to get to class on time. I enjoy sleeping in (as most people do) and I would not mind going to class if you were going to actually teach me something. One of my professors during an hour and twenty minute class rambles on and on about how she knows the material and became so successful in the industry. Well that is great in all but why don’t you get down from the high horse you are on and actually prove your “knowledge”. It appears to be all talk. I have had eight classes already and I cannot even tell you what is going on. She enjoys throwing clicker questions at us and every single student is looking at the next person trying to see what their answer is. I can say out of the two hundred plus students, 75% are just as confused as I am. My midterm is in two weeks and hopefully Jesus can take the wheel because it is not looking to good for my g.p.a. In a different class, the professor also enjoys rambling like a robot about his work experience in the field but has not even explained anything about the course. I understand that it is hybrid format BUT that does not mean a student should just learn everything on his or her own. These professors are trying to either get back at their students for what their professors put them through or they just want to earn there paycheck by not doing anything. I do not understand why schools and/or the professors are implementing flipped classroom format (where the student does all the work on their own time). If this is a successful classroom format, the courses should be all online so that commuters and other students like myself do not have to be bothered going to class and not learning. I do not mind teaching myself but what I do mind is being quizzed every damn class and not even going over the subject material.

What blew my mind was when my professor told a student that she did not have time to explain a problem. Really? It was not like she was doing anything else during the class. If you do not want to teach us the subject, do not become a professor. This does not apply to all professors as I have had some exceptional ones throughout my college career. However, there is a selected few that does not deserve to be in the position as well as picking up the paycheck. With all the work I have been putting in, I deserve the paycheck. College is extremely expensive and I am disappointed with what my hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition is providing me in order to get a degree. So attention colleges, I think you need to do a better job when hiring your faculty. Not all people can be professors. It takes a certain kind of dedicated individual to not just tell but show his or her students what the course and subject matter is all about.

A stressed out, tired, and pissed off student.
