An Open Letter to the 5 Seconds of Summer's 'Good Girls' Music Video

Subject: An Open Letter to the 5 Seconds of Summer's 'Good Girls' Music Video
From: Julia Schemmer
Date: 21 Sep 2015

Dear 5 Seconds of Summer,

I have nothing against you. I think your accents are pretty rad, your passion for music admirable and your creativity coveted. However, as a female teenage girl, I am deeply offended by your "Good Girls" music video.

I'm 17 years old, a senior from a nameless small town. Despite humble beginnings, a fire has been lighted in my heart that one day that I'd be able to rise above my circumstances and make a name for myself. I unashamedly work hard for my goals. I take five AP classes, have a 4.6 grade point average, hold six internships and received an 1800 on my SAT. To me, the dark circles under my eyes and my need for caffeine represents my chance at achieving success, following my dreams, and pursuing my purpose. As I struggle against the societal pressure to settle down, get married and bear children instead of pursuing my dream as a lawyer and journalist. I know that one day my efforts will bear results.

I represent not only myself, but the millions of girls oppressed by the media depiction of females. There are smart girls all around the world who tirelessly work towards their goals, while balancing social and personal responsibilities. Yet, when you view us only as "bad girls waiting to be caught," our entire efforts to defeat the prevalent stereotypes are put to waste.

It's understandable that we females have explaining to do as well. Just as often as girls are objectified as sex objects, so are men in music videos. We sing lyrics like "she mighta let you hold your hand in school but I'mma show you how to graduate" or "I can do it like a dude," which does not help our case. However, I firmly believe that you have the influence and ability to create positive messages to teens. When both genders work together to improve equal opportunities, rights and representation, the world can be dramatically revolutionized for a cause greater than ourselves.

Your self-titled album sold as No. 1 in 11 different countries. Millions of teenagers from throughout the world have memorized your lyrics, stalked your Twitter and eagerly waited for your next releases. Now, I'm no celebrity or anything close to that, but I believe it is a moral responsibility to use your influence to make a difference for your listener's lives. I understand that my opinion is very different than the majority of your fans. Don't get me wrong, I love the beat behind your song. It's catchy, and evidently many people worked to make the music video successful.

Let us rise to our greatness. Good girls are something to be proud of, instead of believed to have other motives. We do not need to be "soothed," "remain silent" or "obey" like your music video humbly suggests. Rather, it is time for our voices to be heard, validated and taken into consideration.

With great respect,
Julia Schemmer
