An Open Letter to my Ex

Subject: An Open Letter to my Ex
From: Your uninterested ex
Date: 23 Apr 2015

Dear what’s your face,

You’re a married man. We haven’t talked for a few years since I cut you out of my life, and to be honest, I have no desire to keep in contact with you.

So, when you were off getting married to your “soul mate” whom you’ve just met a few months ago, I’ve been living on with my life and having a relationship of my own. My own soul mate.

I understand that your new wife is still out of the country, but that doesn’t give you an excuse to start texting me.

I don’t appreciate your efforts into getting back in touch with me. I don’t appreciate you calling me “hun” in your messages, or telling me to have “wet dreams” when you bid me goodnight. I don’t appreciate you dropping off instantly when I refuse your advances to meet up – why do you message me constantly and the moment I say no to your request, you flat out ignore me for a bit?

I’m not a home wrecker and never will be – especially if it comes to you. I don’t plan on ruining what I have going on in my life. I don’t plan on ever seeing you again, or “meeting up” with you again.

It’s not that I hate you, I’m actually indifferent about you. I know you don’t have the right intentions, and probably never will.

I’m happy you’re no longer in my life. The thought of you bring a horrible pit feeling to my stomach. You bring thing ball of negativity into my life that I really don’t need or miss.

So, for the sake of your own marriage and your lovely wife, please stop sending messages to hook up. I’m not down for that shit. I have too much to lose for just one single night.

Your uninterested ex.
