Open letter to Obama from UA Canada

Subject: Open letter to Obama from UA Canada
From: John Telford
Date: 1 Apr 2015

Dear Mr. President,

I am writing on behalf of the UA Canadian Membership and their families who support the Keystone XL Pipeline Project. We are asking that you grant the Presidential Permit that is required for construction of this project.

The UA represents over 52,000 skilled crafts people in Canada and their families. We will be fully involved with the building of this Project. The UA’s highly skilled welders, pipefitters and contractors will insure that the highest skills and safety standards available will be used in the construction of this pipeline. When completed members and contractors will maintain this pipeline to the highest standards.

Your approval of the Keystone XL Project will be the catalyst for many economic benefits for both our countries. These benefits would not just be in the construction of the pipeline, but would also create thousands of spinoff jobs with the manufacturing of the pipe and other industries, not to mention the millions in tax revenue. Approval will allow the projects already planned in Canada to proceed thus insuring our friends in the United States have access to a safe and secure source of energy.

We also have many American UA members working in the energy sector in Alberta at this time and that number will increase with your approval.

Mr. President the UA in Canada respectfully requests your approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline Project as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I remain,

Fraternally Yours,

John Telford
Director of Canadian Affairs
UA Canada
