America will not tolerate police storm-troopers terrorizing peaceful unarmed citizens in their own homes. This is exactly WHY we still need our State Militias and WHY we should never surrender our fireams. This video is Shameful and Shocking!

Subject: America will not tolerate police storm-troopers terrorizing peaceful unarmed citizens in their own homes. This is exactly WHY we still need our State Militias and WHY we should never surrender our fireams. This video is Shameful and Shocking!
From: An American Patriot & Military Veteran
Date: 31 May 2020

When heavily armed Minneapolis police and National Guardsmen marched into a peaceful suburb screaming and shooting at unarmed citizens on their own property, the local government crossed the line and committed an act of terrorism that is 100% UnAmerican, not to mention illegal since it was not provoked.

There was NO PROVOCATION and not any need to scream at people, and certainly no reason to shoot at unarmed people who broke no laws enjoying a peaceful time with their children in their own homes. Police forces need to be retrained and demilitarized - NOW. They need to be reminded that they work for WE THE PEOPLE - not vice versa. We pay their salaries and their disrespect is causing public mistrust and resentment. There was no civil unrest nor rioting taking place in this peaceful suburb.

When my uncle was a cop in Ohio 25 years ago, he would call everyone "Sir" or "Maam" and would make requests for a citizen to cooperate and comply before he would ever order them to do so. Even then, he would not scream at them or discharge his gun. He was always polite and courteous, and never threatened people with guns, gas, nor sticks. This is the policeman We The People want on our police forces - not these militarized goons and thugs who wrongly think that might makes right and that they are above the law. Those Minneapolis cops that are in the video should all be fired and replaced without delay. They disgraced our nation in the eyes of the world and caused trauma to innocent citizens and children in Minnesota who should rightly ask the ACLU to file a class action law suit immediately.

As an American military vet, I am appalled at the audacity and onerous behavior of these police who took an oath to "Serve and Protect" the public - not terrorize them. Enough is enough. We The People do not want nor embrace violence but we cannot allow this type of police behavior to continue without legal consequences. When police terrorism is allowed by our government this is a legal, quick, and effective solution

When the world sees this video, what will they think of America? What will the children in this neighborhood think and believe about their own police forces? The cop in the video who yelled an order to "Light em up" (shoot) needs to be arrested and prosecuted for terrorism IMO.

This single incident demonstrates exactly WHY we we still need our State Militias and why we should never surrender our guns. If we cannot trust our own police to protect our families we cannot allow ourselves to be helpless and hopeless against their oppression and terrorist acts. Older Americans will remember WACO and Ruby Ridge and the Philadelphia MOVE incident. Will Minneapolis introduce today's Americans to more of the same abuse of authority? It must be stopped right now.

I call upon all of my fellow Americans and 3,000,000 other ex-vets to support and or join your local State Militia today. We can pray and hope for the best, but we also need to prepare for the worst. Please share this letter and link with all of your relatives, neighbors and colleagues

The eyes of America are now on President Trump to see if he has the courage and integrity to protect the American public against this shameful abuse. Speak up Mr. President! Where do YOU draw the line?
