On election day, I will choose a candidate I believe in. I will choose a candidate with a proven...
Most Viewed Letters
Dear Associate Minister Indira Naidoo-Harris and Minister Mitzie Hunter,
Dear Hollywood Movie Machine,
What happened to you?
Once, when I was a young man,...
I am so concerned about you.
As I have grown older I have opened my eyes to a lot of...
Dear David Cameron & Jeremy Corbin
The referendum was a serious issue not taken...
Dearest Caitlyn:
First and foremost, let me start off by expressing my appreciation of...
Growing up, I never knew why I was treated differently by my mom's side. I always thought it was...
To all the people who put us in the position of having Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton be the...
Late night calls come to my surprise
You’re a little too late I cannot translate
Dear Onkar and Yaron,
I want to thank you again for the student scholarship you gave me...
Where to start? The right part. "To America, if you really believe in ethics, human rights, and...
It's twisted, in the least dramatic sense, I know- being so deeply and somehow, effortlessly...
Dear Deadbeat,
You've missed 9 birthdays, 9 Christmases, 9 Father's Days. Countless...
This is my final communication ever. I was severely enraged during my last text messages to you...
Dear Americans,
Election day is nearly upon us, and the current political race has done...
Open Letter to the Body of Christ By: @CreoNthali (A friend of God)
Dear You,
You are a forever friend. We have a friendship that is unlike any I have met...
Protecting our loved ones and yours is the reason we founded The Honest Company. As parents, it...
An OPEN LETTER to Successful Nigerians (Home And Abroad) who God has blessed!