Dear BollywoodLife,
Most Viewed Letters
Dear Whoever Created This Louis C.K. One Tumblr,
You are my new favorite. I'd be...
Dear “That Kid,”
When I first saw you placed on my class roster, my heart skipped a beat...
Dear Dr Couillard,
We congratulate you on your victory in the April 7 election....
You probably think that how you treated me was okay, that raising a child in a suffoacting house...
Dear Dad,
Unlike most letters, this one lacks a destination. It seems to have gotten lost...
Hey Indiana,
Gurl. We’re writing because you’re about to do something really terrible in...
Dear Hashtags That Should Really Be Sentences,
This is an intervention. Did you catch...
Hello, hope all is well.
Firstly, I wish to congratulate you on a letter without any death...
To everyone whose been alive within the past week,
Dear Male Writers Who Struggle Creating Strong Female Characters,
Oh how I feel for you,...
Dear P&G, Clinique, Revlon, Johnson & Johnson, The Dial Corporation, Unilever, Wal-Mart...
Dear Alice Robb,
Dear Mr. President, I am writing you on behalf of my innocent husband Mr. Jeffrey Alexander...
Hi, it's me again. I know we just talked (texted), but there are a few things I didn't tell you...
Dear Friends of Africa:
Dear President Bush,
In March 2006, you publicly admitted that concerns about Iran’s...
Quite frankly, you've all pissed me off and I think your all a bunch of sexist pigs to summarise...
Dear Madame President,
As someone who, during 16 years in the United States Congress, has...
Dear Mr. Krach,
On November 20th, I saw that DocuSign blatantly copied HelloSign’s...