Reasons why we should be concerned about (and ways we might overcome) the disutility of...
More Open Letters
You’re not supposed to fall in love with your friends. If I had a child, that would be the first...
Letter to the child I never had
I don't think I've ever run as fast in heels as the day...
Dear Mr. Perry,
What does a person have to do to get you to take time to read their resume...
Seriously friends, this government censorship is staring to resemble that of China that we...
I have been contact staff of teamviewer to seek help from to have my subscription terminated. I...
If I'm hearing this right that Donald Trump refuses to do the debates with a democrat opponent...
My Dear Friend,
It is hard to believe That how this hatred for me was deep down in you...
A poem by Bruce Gorcyca
Another day…
I awake in a China jail,...
Vo Tran an elite member of the FBI's secret Division 5 Special Operations Group for 11 years was...