Dear Shri Narendra Modi,
More Open Letters
Dear College Dropout Factories,
As part of our quest to increase the public demand for...
The plane has already landed
My heart is beating faster
I’m getting anxious, nervous...
An Open Letter to the Governor of West Bengal,
Dear Mr M K Narayanan
Dear Ben,
I am writing to you today as a woman who was born and raised in Islam. I saw...
Dear Cleveland,
First off, congrats! You've gotten your prodigal son back. You've adorned...
Dear Mr. (name withheld),
Thank you for reaching out to let us know your opinion of the...
Dear Premier Wynne,
I’m writing to you on Earth Day to request that your government take...
Dear Science,
This is not an easy letter to write. You know I love you very much, and I'...
Dear Mr. Fleury,
Thank you for encouraging me to email you after our conversations on...