Dear Human Rights Defenders Worldwide:
It has been two years since Atoullo Raqibov,...
Dear Human Rights Defenders Worldwide:
It has been two years since Atoullo Raqibov,...
Hello, Ricketts!
Man, you guys look tired. If I owned the Chicago Cubs, I would be, too....
Dear Mr. Obama,
I have little hope that you'll ever read this, but I have to get this off...
Hey Doc,
Dear Raheem,
You're finally leaving us. Your games with the media have worked out for you...
Dear Brad,
You've been on the run for 37 years now. It's time to turn yourself in.
...Dear Vail Resorts,
Let me explain to you why I will not be returning to this resort...
Dear Senator Flake and Senator McCain,
Dear Kelly
There's a good chance you'll never see this note, seeing as how you're busy...
Dear Nazanin,
How are you, my dear?
The last time we spoke – in an interview for...