Why it's wrong to say I'm selfish to not want kids

Subject: Why it's wrong to say I'm selfish to not want kids
Date: 9 Apr 2016

Popular opinion in this country is that a woman is selfish if she doesn't become a mother. But in my opinion, it is selfish to bring a child you don't want into the world. To women like me, motherhood isn't a life commitment, it is a life sentence.
For as long as I can remember I haven't wanted kids. I used to think eventually I would change my mind, but the older I get, the more I realize how a child would ruin my life plans.
After I graduate from college soon, I want to travel the country. Chicago, New York City, Boston, Miami, San Fransisco, Seattle.. I want to live in all of them. I can't pack a child up and move them every year or two.
I don't want to get married, so with my career in substance abuse I won't have time to raise a child on my own. But what kind of life would that child have practically being raised by babysitters? I could never be an involved mother, so instead I choose to not have kids.
I'm not the soccer mom, mini van driving type of woman. I'm the wine loving, back of the taxi riding type of woman. I'm not responsible enough to be a mother. I never will be.
I am a woman, and I don't want to ever have a kid. The thought of getting pregnant makes me cringe. I shouldn't feel like I need to have a child just because it's what is expected of a woman. Major props to all of the great women that say motherhood gave them their life - but don't judge me because motherhood would take my life away. I will never be a mother. And I will never be sorry for that.
