An Open Letter to the Weather Gods

Subject: An Open Letter to the Weather Gods
From: The Cold Really Is Bothering Me Anyway
Date: 14 Jul 2015

Dear Almighty Weather Gods,

I know it's February. I know it's supposed to be cold and snow is to be expected in the winter and all of that. But enough is enough.

I am tired of being cold. I'm tired of digging my car out of the snow, and wearing rain boots every day, and planning out my layers every morning. I don't want my hair to freeze anymore, and I'm sick of having chapped lips. I want to eat things other than soup, and wear a cute outfit that won't be covered with several layers of jackets, and be able to walk to class without wanting to die the entire time.

And normally a big snow storm would at least give me a few canceled classes and an excuse to stay in bed all day. I mean, with the first one, you definitely tried. I won't blame you there — that was certainly snow day level conditions. But then giving us the second on a Saturday? Really?? How is that supposed to help?

Look, all I'm asking is: what have I done to anger you so? And what can I do to make it up? Is there some sort of warm weather dance I should be doing? What do I need to sacrifice? My flannel sheets? My hand warmers? My space heater??

If you could let me know soon, that would be great. I'm really ready to be warm again.


The Cold Really Is Bothering Me Anyway
