I've noticed a very offensive hate group who is oppressing the diversity and love children should be able to experience in their lifetime.
This group surprisingly has collected a following of around 40,000 members all for the same cause, which I find particularly disturbing.
As a socially liberal, homosexual teen male, I'd like to report the hate group One Million Moms.
I'll start with the oppressing diversity part. The group of radical Christian fundamentalists believes they are doing the right thing somehow, but really are just recreating a Westboro Baptist Church on a smaller scale. They are particularly antigay–homophobic, even–and I believe it is offensive that they show such disdain for a natural occurrence in nature. The media doesn't create or encourage homosexuality; they simply encourage self expression and being who you truly feel you are. How could one be better than the Pharisees, praying loudly in public to look better, by pretending to be someone holier than they really are?
Next I'll tackle the love topic. I believe firstly, this group weakens the love that should be shown for children around the world. Suppose a child is gay–what do we do then? "Curing" techniques for homosexuality have been disproven time and time again, as has homosexuality being a choice. This narrows it down to an age-old argument that can be applied to numerous situations–nature or nurture? Suppose for a minute that nature is the answer. If this is the answer, we simply must accept that God made them this way and He has a plan for them and their sexuality is an important part of it. Now, suppose it's nurture. If it is nurture, we can only blame the parents or legal guardians of the child–which would be members these "million" (or really 40,000) moms.
Secondly, I believe that this is weakening the love the individual child is able to give. If the child is gay, they cannot express love for those who they DO love. If the child has any gay friends, they must always be trying to change them and make them straight–a strategy which I expressed, in the previous paragraph, has been disproven. If this is true, how can we go about spreading God's love to everyone as the Bible tells us to?
Finally, I'll cover the many contradictions they make. As fundamentalists, a core belief is that every word of the Bible is literally true; that every story actually happened. Even the Catholic church–the largest, and one of the more fundamentalist-leaning Christian churches–has agreed that many stories of the Bible are symbolic, and that many modern scientific theories (such as evolution) are true. So as someone who believes like a fundamentalist, why do they choose to ignore Jesus' teachings about how we should love everyone equally, and how we should not judge others, when that is God and God alone's job? Also, they are mothers–believing every word of the Bible, this would lead them to believe that they are simply replaceable, child-bearing property of the men. Why should they be allowed to join in numbers? Why should they be able to speak their opinion? The only logical answer seems to be because Jesus encouraged us to treat women equally. However, this can't be the answer, because we can't pick and choose which stories should be followed and which shouldn't be, and since we said earlier that Jesus' teachings about loving everyone equally and not judging others shouldn't be followed, I suppose we also can't follow this one. But wait, that would mean that they're not fundamentalist anymore, and can't carry on in the way they have so far. In fact, in not believing in Jesus' teachings, I believe that would make them no longer Christians, would it not?
In conclusion, I was nearly nauseated in reading about this group and their beliefs and movements, and I believe we should do all we can to ensure that they don't continue growing.
Thank you for your time. I encourage you to write back with your opinion on this issue.