An Open Letter to Narendra Modi From The Women of India

Subject: An Open Letter to Narendra Modi From The Women of India
Date: 7 Apr 2015

Dear Mr Modi,

Congratulations on your victory!

You’ve made Indians – and ethnically-Indian foreigners like myself – hopeful. Whether we initially wished to see you in power or not, there’s something to be celebrated about this new India, where a tea-seller could rise to become the Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy. You’ve injected belief that there will be a dramatic change from the incumbent, political dynasties of the past. The youth seems enthused. Plus, I’m encouraged to see 25% of your cabinet is female.

I’m being a bit presumptuous here, but I’d like to speak on behalf of the women of India to you, for a minute.

Sir, you’ve made some great advances in Gujarat. I’m excited to see how the rest of India can benefit from your leadership. I’m from Singapore, so I’m a great believer in the power of rising Asia shaped by capable leaders. You have a lot on your plate to tackle; poverty, corruption, pollution, attracting investment, volatile neighbors – good move, by the way, on inviting SAARC leaders to your inauguration. Another “first” to add to your list.

You mentioned your government would be dedicated to the poor, youth, and women. It sounds like you’re on the right track. But, if I may, it’s the empowering of women that must take precedence on your agenda .

English: Image of Narendra Modi at the World E...
English: Image of Narendra Modi at the World Economic Forum in India (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mr Modi, the women of India simply cannot continue living in a country where they fear for their lives on a constant basis. Rural or urban, their safety is under threat all the same. In which civilized nation would two teenage sisters be brutally gang-raped and hung from a tree, while the police not only looked on, but even perpetrated the crime? In which other nation do we continue to see female babies and fetuses killed at alarming rates?

I question what good would economic success be, if India’s women can’t be part of it? And who would benefit from your policies to serve the youth, if young women don’t feel comfortable stepping out of their homes?

Mr Modi, the women of India simply deserve better. In fact, tending to them could very well put you ahead in your aforementioned quest to serve the poor.

One way to alleviate the systemic poverty in India, is to empower women through education and opportunity. Enrich the female member of a society, and you’ll be uplifting an entire family. As the United Nations Development Programme finds, the increased earning power of women raises household incomes. “By enhancing women’s control over decision-making in the household, gender equality also translates into better prospects and greater well-being of children, reducing poverty of future generations,” it reports.

India offers no safety or motivation to work even for educated women. With the growing sexual violence, many of my close friends living in the cities are turning down viable job offers, either because they’re scared for their safety, or their families are.

Female labor force participation in India is abysmal – while 80% of men in South Asia are employed or actively searching for jobs, the number of women stands at 32%. This means nearly 70% of women who have the capacity to work, simply don’t feel encouraged to. Women’s participation in India’s labor force has also dropped significantly; from just over 37% eight years ago, to 29% in 2010.

Out of 131 countries, the world’s largest democracy – India – ranks 11th from the bottom for female participation in the workforce , according to the International Labour Organization.

Mr Modi, I implore you to please make it your priority to engage India’s capable, dynamic, and hopeful women. If not for basic human rights, consider the empowerment of women an essential component of your economic agenda.

As you step into your powerful new role, I hope you remember all the voters who look to you to drive much-needed change in India. Work hard to stand by the women and you won’t just be the first Indian Prime Minister in history with an inspirational rags-to-riches story. You’ll also be the first modern Indian leader who restores our faith that we’re from “Mother” India, not “Father” India.

Yours Sincerely,

Ruchika Tulshyan
