An Open Letter To My Mom On Her New Adventure

Subject: An Open Letter To My Mom On Her New Adventure
From: Erin
Date: 8 Jan 2016


I can't believe the day has finally come for you to venture off. I can't imagine how you felt sending me off to college because I already have the empty nest feeling. You have no idea what is in store for you, but I do. I hope your days are filled with a lot less tears, and a lot more laughter, a lot less hurt and a lot more healing. But most of all, I hope you find your place in this crazy life and find days of true happiness.

I'll miss you more than you will ever know, but just know that our Subway Saturdays can be Firehouse Fridays, and big fat mommy days will be big fat mommy weekends, hell maybe one of these days we can have little bitty mommy/daughter days but let's get real, there's too much good food down there for that to happen haha.

I'm not worried about you making friends, your infectious personality would never allow you to be lonely. I hope you find yourself sitting at dinner, breathing fresh, unstained with heartache air, smiling and surrounded by people who care as deeply for you as I do. That's impossible, but it won't be hard for people to fall in love with you, they can only try to meet my standards.

I hope you become the healthiest and best version of yourself, so we can grow old together. I hope you find that not all people are inherently bad, and open yourself to love and friendship. I hope you never lose your sassy spunk, and show those Lexintonians how to have some fun.

You are never alone, and you are so incredibly loved. A lot is changing, but so much remains the same. You're my best friend, my ride or die, my whole entire heart, my crazy cat lady (don't worry there are strays you can rescue there too) and I wouldn't have you any other way.

There will be days I need you, and days you need me, and short of moving hell and earth I will be there. There is no limit for the rest of your life, so don't set any. You're going to do big things that not even you imagined you could. You've been my biggest cheerleader my whole life, and now I get to be yours. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, and live the life you have imagined. Now excuse me while I sob uncontrollably.

Your baby girl ALWAYS,

