An Open Letter To My Ex-Best Friend

Subject: An Open Letter To My Ex-Best Friend
From: Your Ex-Best Friend
Date: 2 May 2016

We weren't best friends for long, heck, it wasn't even a year. But you meant so very much to me. And I know we ended things on bad terms. And I wish it hadn't happened that way. Every now and again I go back and look at pictures we took, and videos we recorded and remember the happiness and laughter we shared. I remember us spending almost everyday together. You were my rock. You taught me not to be afraid of who I was and to shoot for my dreams. You taught me to always smile at people who told me I couldn't and to never give up without trying. And for that I am forever grateful. You helped me grow as a person. I see you in the halls at school and remember when I used to walk with you to every class. I see you laughing and smiling with our old friends. The ones you still talk to and I don't. I see that you're happy, and I'm glad. Some days I look at your profiles on social media and am happy that you've become the person you have today. But I am sad that I don't get to share it with you. I did a lot of things I wish I hadn't. And I'm sorry. We graduate soon and we will live our own lives and travel our own paths, finding ourselves.

I hope that at graduation you're happy. I hope you take tons of pictures with your friends. I hope you take a deep breath and drink in the last few views of our school, and smile. Cause I know I will. I hope that after graduation, when you have that diploma in your hand and you are free... that you better yourself, go to college, meet a pretty, sweet girl, buy a house and settle down, have some children and get the hell out of this town because you're too good for it. And maybe one day I hope that when you're lying on your couch listening to your son or daughter talk about their first year of high school and all the friends they have... I hope you remember me and smile. I hope I made as big of an impact on your life as you did mine.

I wish you the absolute best of luck and I can't wait to see how much you will grow in the years to come. Thank you for being a part of my life <3
