An Open Letter to Mr. Donald Trump by Jacquie Miller

Subject: An Open Letter to Mr. Donald Trump by Jacquie Miller
From: Jacquie
Date: 25 Dec 2015

Dear Mr. Trump,

At first. I was entertained. I knew that you could say whatever batty thing you wanted to, and I could choose to ignore you. You’ve made me question your sanity, but you were good for a laugh. What you said was so unbelievably wild that I had just to pretend you were nuts. That’s how the world deals with you – by pretending you are a robot run by monkeys on the inside who just hit all the wrong buttons and pull all the wrong levers and as a result, you end up saying all the wrong things. Your close minded, awful view of people and the world made me cringe, but as is true with most things, I am ashamed to say I could ignore it until it had to do with me.

I can’t ignore the last thing you did because that last thing hit me in the heart. Mr. Trump, to watch you stand on TV and mock a reporter with a disability filled me with rage. What kind of person can do that? I suppose the type of person who would say if their daughter weren’t their daughter, they would probably be dating her. (Oh yeah – you said that.)

Mr. Trump, you are one of a kind. You may know money, and you may even know one or two things about politics, but you sure don’t know anything about being a decent human being. You continue to show us that you don’t have the brains or the heart to be president.

Now, I am only hoping that you will reach the day in your campaign where you stand up at a podium and burst into laughter and say

You guys didn’t REALLY think I was running for president did you? Oh my God – no way! I’m a hot mess.

Making fun of people with disabilities hits home with me because that is who I work with. That is who I advocate for. I deeply regret that I didn’t care as much before you chose this group to pick on. Perhaps I should have been just as mad when you degraded women for the first time, but you see, I typically tend to care about other people first. That is something you are incapable of.

The people I know that have disabilities are kinder, gentler, more intelligent, and have more integrity than you ever could. But you’re right – please focus on a man’s hands and make fun of him to prove your point. That’s how to act like an adult with morals, right? You have all the charm of a doorknob.

You are handicapped in spirit, and that is far worse than any other kind of disability. All you should be going down in history for is that hair.


