An Open Letter to Moms : Part One - The Younger Mother To the Older Mother

Subject: An Open Letter to Moms : Part One - The Younger Mother To the Older Mother
From: The Mommy with Young Kids
Date: 2 Nov 2015

Dear Mother whose children are grown,

I don't say it enough, but I need you. I know, I know, I like to look like I have it all together. I've read all the internet articles, can quote statistics on breastfeeding, and screen time, and I've got a whole Bucket List of things I wanna do with my kids this summer. I come to church and I have my make up in place and my kids are in semi-matching clothes and when you ask me how I'm doing, I say "great!" and keep walking.

And the truth is, I AM doing great. I'm raising the most precious gifts in this world and my heart is truly full and amazed that God would chose me to do this.

But the rest of the truth is, I'm not always feeling "great!" Most days I'm tired. I'm sure you remember - the kids not sleeping at all, the constant needing of food, or diapers, or counseling sessions with my teen into the early morning hours - its kind of exhausting. And when I am staying at home, there's the endless laundry and always the dinners to make! It's great and holy work, but it is tiring. Add in to that, this new found pressure to always "live in the moment" and some days I lay my head on the pillow at night and don't even know if there was a "moment" to breathe today. And the days I'm at work, there's always the sick child to plan for, or the guilt of childcare, or just feeling - well - torn.

And I'm not saying anything you don't already know, right? I'm saying all this to say, I admire you. You did it! And you thrived in it! And look at you with those grown children, smiling and giving back to society! And here I am praying most days that my kids don't need counseling for all the ways I am sure to mess them up ;)

I need you, grown-up Mom. I need you to hold my hand and tell me I look beautiful even when the bags under my eyes are obvious to both of us. I need you to pray for me, that I will enjoy these gifts daily. I need you to tell me that you understand - when my child is screaming through a church service. I need you to be my mentor, and my guide. Tell me how to keep my marriage healthy in these demanding child years. Teach me how to be a part of a church community while my little ones need me at their side. Encourage my parenting choices, even if they aren't what you did. Be my fan and encouraging companion.

And forgive me. Forgive me for acting like you don't know anything about parenting. Forgive me for the times when I have missed important dates in your life. Forgive me for not accepting help or friendship or prayer when you have offered it. Forgive me for being so concerned with my image that I haven't flat out said to you that I need you.

You have worth and value and so much to offer. I am thankful that you've paved the way, and even more thankful for the grace you give me when I need it most!


The Mommy with Young Kids
