An Open Letter to the kid who blasts music on public transport

Subject: An Open Letter to the kid who blasts music on public transport
From: Yixin
Date: 23 May 2015

Hello stranger,

Really? There you are, five rows of seats away from me and I can still hear every word Jennifer Lopez is singing through your neon-coloured headphones. Okay, she wants to get on the floor but I. Do. Not. Care.

Please forgive my angst, but I am hopelessly tired after a long day at work and here you are. With your iPod and your top 40 playlist that you insist on looping. I swore to myself that if I was forced to hear Call Me Maybe for the fifth time on this commute, I could come over, snap your player in half and boomerang your headphones out of the bus. Sadly, I am a gutless morsel of a human being. I also did not want to go to jail. Or a hospital.

"Listen to your own music lah!" You may smirk as you judge me to be some Neanderthal with no access to technology. Give me a break here. Sometimes my iPod dies an unfortunate death. Other times, I forget to bring my earphones out. Also, no lie, I can hear your music even when I am listening to my own. You are that power.

The fact that you still possess a sense of hearing is THE ultimate miracle for me. You are like, a unicorn (a less pure, fluffy and wonderful version). But you definitely can still hear. I can tell from the phone conversation you just had with your "bro" (which was also exceedingly loud, by the way. But I digress).

Just, you know, one person to another – please try to keep it down. If not for my sake, then for the sake of the grumpy baby right next to you. Yes, that is not gurgling from the joys of being an ignorant infant but from annoyance. I get that you cannot tell the difference since you are all plugged into ~a different realm~, but now that you have seen this…Bro, you have no excuse.

Please, just stop. Thank you.


