Dear friends in Islamic Republic of Iran,
We are looking very concerned on attempts of alleged „free world“ and especially Israeli–ruled United States to defame your nation and your political representatives. We are afraid of plans to import Iraqi–type democracy into your – undoubtedly very beautiful – country; it means democracy full of death, suffering and desperation.
The real criminal state Israel, militarily and economically strongly supported by the United States, has already started to threat with weapons. Israeli psychopathic leaders – mostly the REAL war criminals – are presented as a democrats or even peacemakers by representatives of the Western world.
We are sure your nation is peaceful and your leaders are enlightened, what is indicated by their efforts to secure a really free conditions for historical research. We can only to dream about such freedom of historical research in Europe. Old European continent is ruled by hard censorship, political and citizen lack of freedom, and totalitarian European Union regime is masking himself behind mask of „democracy“, which is valid only for some people.
We want to assure you that nations imprisoned inside of European Union aren‘t degenerated and enslaved yet, but there are still enough brave Europeans, who will stand up and say NO to another killing by Americans, NO to expansivity and agression of Israel and NO to hypocritical politics of European Union. We Czech activists from the National Resistance refuse steps of the Czech puppet-government controlled from Brussels and Washington under Tel Aviv supervision, and we express full support to Iranian people.
Dear people of Islamic Republic of Iran, thereby we express friendship, respect and support to political and cultural direction of your country and courage of your representatives. From global perspective we are just few people who long for freedom, however we are refusing to keep silence when we are facing evil and lies.
With expression of solidarity and support,
Czech National Resistance