Open letter Anne Tolley re degrading processes for food grants

Subject: Open letter Anne Tolley re degrading processes for food grants
From: JR
Date: 4 Aug 2015

Dear Ms Tolley

I was reading an article about your thoughts on why the number of food grants had gone down so much. I can assure you it was the new degrading reforms you put in place – I live this nightmare you created remember. I know what it is like to be so degraded by your processes that I want to kill myself every single day. The only reason I don’t is because I know that is what neo-liberals want – to get rid of those disabled and poor who are an expense a liability (faulty resources), especially those of us fighting for the health care and justice we are entitled to under ACC, health, disability, human rights and bill of rights laws.

It is obvious from your comments that you have absolutely no idea what people are going through so I request a meeting with you so I can explain, one hour of your time. You meet with wealthy people from the Trans-tasman Business Circle and the NZ Initiative and listen to their opinions, based on their affluent lives. I think it is only fair you should meet with one of those people who has been rotting on welfare for 13 years after I was raped, sodomised, the person was found not guilty and then I was subjected to ACC and mental health abuse/neglect/discrimination and persecution. Along with the past 13 years of neo-liberal austerity against the poorest and most vulnerable while advancing the wants of the rich. The trickle down you all love to quote was actually the rich and powerful urinating all over the poorest and most victimized.

You cannot pretend any longer that your political philosophies are not extremely flawed and our country is not falling apart. In the darklands the hatred is like nothing I have ever seen before. People experiencing prolonged suffering often say they can’t protest because if they started they would kill someone – this is not good – this has all the indications of being a violent revolution instead of a peaceful one.

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible (eg Occupy 2011) make violent revolution inevitable.” JFK And his other quote

You are an intelligent woman Anne, what have you done – you’re driving people to dysfunction, to suicide and violence. I am a lay-expert in traumatic stress disorders and a few associated topics. That’s what you do when you’re left to rot on welfare for 13 years not working, you educate yourself, mostly trying to work out how to get better so you can return to work. I did everything within my power to return to work, but because of my disorder I kept failing, a human can only take so many failures before they commit suicide.

I look forward to hearing from you about a meeting, please contact me personally, out of respect 027…… As one of the impairments related to my disorder I became phobic about opening my mail and email, if I think it could be a rejection. If you are going to meet with me please text or phone (you are welcome to have a support person, I might have one too – the security guards at parliament know me well and I’m sure a couple of them will help out. If you are not going to meet with me please email or write a letter and explain why.

We’re not shares to be traded
We’re not pawns in a game
We’re not doing OK
And we’re not the ones to blame.

