An open letter to Aamir Khan from an intolerant Indian

Subject: An open letter to Aamir Khan from an intolerant Indian
From: Intolerant Indian
Date: 16 Dec 2015

Hi Aamir,

It's been a while since I saw you. When I last heard from you it was all about how all the religions had misinterpreted the teachings and were trying to cash in by fooling the common masses in the name of God. Funny though, that your main antagonist in the movie was a Hindu baba. There were a few customary protests, the educated class raised an eybrow towards those protesting and life moved on. Your movie made crores by the way. Kind of ironic you made a movie about people looting people in the name of god and then you made crores of it in the name of god isn't it?

I hear you have been feeling the rising intolerance in India. The same India that made you the superstar you are. You said your wife suggested leaving India. I think you should take her to the US, I hear they do not have issues with violence. Apart from the usual white and black conflict and constant fear of terrorist attacks I would say you would be just fine. The police is fighting the african american teens. People protesting with "I can't breathe" signs but whatever it is still safer than India right?

If it feels unsafe then I would suggest you should try middle east. Rich powerful people living fast lifestyle. You should feel pretty safe there. Just the small issue of Daesh threat looming large but apart from that I think you would be pretty sorted.

Perhaps Kiran just wants to take a break from the intolerant unsavory lifestyle our country offers. With a measly GDP growth rate of 5 percent you are bound to feel hard done by a country who is giving you their hard earned money to make thought provoking movies like Dhoom 3. Perhaps an African stay is in order then. Apart from the measly issues of lack of basic necessaties and constant threat of death from warring overlords I hear Africa is a beautiful place. While you are there you can meet the tolerant and charming people of Boko Haram. They would understand Kiran's growing concerns quite well.

Lets get back to our subcontinent now. You are worried about the rising intolerance. Of course you are. You are a true model Indian Citizen. This is saffron terrorism after all! An innocent man was killed for eating beef! How dare they? No body should be killed for practicing their rights or religous beliefs. You should perhaps then, say something about the fate of Qadiyanis and Ahmedis in Pakistan. You fear opening the newspaper? I fear opening Facebook, Twitter and News. I opened Twitter today. It informed me that people had killed a 5 year old and a 7 year old in Pakistan today. Their crime? They were Qadiyanis. Hindu terror in India, Buddhist Terrorists pillaging Myanmar but in Paris terror has no religion Amir. Yeah I think you should take Kiran to Paris, I hear they have tasty croissants to die for...

Yours Truly,

Intolerant Indian
