To the girl who never feels good enough

Subject: To the girl who never feels good enough
Date: 18 Jan 2017

First off, let me just tell you that you ARE good enough.

I know that empty feeling in the pit of your stomach that you're feeling on a daily basis. I know the pain of lying awake at night, staring at the ceiling; wondering when you'll find someone worthy of the spot beside you. I know how many tears you have shed for boys that will never know what they did to you, and probably wouldn't care even if they did.

I know this, because I've been in your shoes.

I am you! You are me.

So believe me when I say that things will get better. I am living proof that a fresh start is possible and happiness is obtainable all on your own.

Some people will never appreciate you regardless of the time, the money, the love, the encouragement, the positive influence or the numerous other things you do for them. For you, they are priority. But to them, you are simply a pawn. And some of them will do more damage than others, naturally. But all will leave you just a little more broken than the last.

I'm going to tell you right now, it's not easy. But you already knew that. What I can tell you is that it gets easier. Like most great things in life, it will take time, but the end result will be oh so worth it.

Don't sell yourself short. Stand up for what you believe in. Don't cower. Do whatever you want. Be who you want to be. Start thinking about YOU. Because when you can look yourself in the mirror and love yourself, you are ready to be loved.

When it comes down to it, you only have one life in this body, with this mind, with these talents and goals. Don't push them to the sidelines to make someone else happy. You're only starving yourself for the benefit of feeding someone who has already taken everything from you. You can't give up your happiness to give them theirs.

I know that I am young. I will suffer many more heart brakes in my life. Probably from people I don't even know yet. But at this point in my life, I know my worth. I know what I want. I know what I need. And I also know that I can do it all on my own. Heart brakes are the Universe's way of telling you that there is something better out there for you. You are destined for greater things. I know you're probably thinking, “not me,” right? Well, why not? Why not YOU? How are you any different from the beautiful women you see married, with children in beautiful houses with the white picket fence and the puppy playing on the front lawn? You're not! You can be her. But you can't turn a toad into a prince. And you can't marry a toad.

Try to realize that everything you're getting in life is leading up to what you asked for. It may present itself in strange, sometimes cruel ways, but the wait and the heartache help you to realize when something is worth fighting for.

So baby girl, next time you're with someone who doesn't treat you right, wondering if the relationship is worth it, say to yourself, “if it was meant to be, it would feel better than this.”

Challenge the world. Challenge yourself. NEVER stop going after what YOU want. The memories we make are all that we take with us when we go. So live fast, love hard and never stop believing in yourself.

And with that, I leave you.

All my love,

