Do You Feel That Clones Are the Future of Our World?

Subject: Do You Feel That Clones Are the Future of Our World?
From: Avery Donoho
Date: 23 Feb 2017

I read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The book is about a community built around science. This community has scientist that make babies, basically cloning people. There are no families, but there is a lot of sex. All of the babies are made with science. I personally hate the idea of people being made by science. There are actually scientists in our world today that can genetically modify babies when they are in the mother’s womb. They can change what the baby looks like and acts like. They can change anything and everything. Sound familiar? Yeah, it sounds kind of like what happens in Brave New World.
The first few paragraphs basically outline the whole of the community. In the first paragraph, it starts as a tour where they describe a few of the main things involved with the community. They go over where the people are made. That is definitely not normal, but they talk about it like it’s nothing.
This book freaks me out to be honest. Not much really freaks me out more than thinking about people being made by science and science alone. Thinking that this could actually happen. It reminds me of Star Wars with all the clones. Creepy, right? Well it is to me. Also, besides the fact that they make humans, what about how they have no emotions. They go around having sex all the time and doing drugs. They don’t care about death. Something seems a little off. They don’t care about death?! Seriously?! How can you make someone without feelings?
I am writing to everybody in the world. People need to know how close we are to making people. Parents can actually choose what they want their child to look like. They can change every flaw. Is that natural? No, it most certainly is not! I don’t see how someone can think that is ok. People are made a certain way and no matter how good or bad it is, it’s natural. Making your children be however you what them to be should not be possible, but it is. Now why exactly is that? Science is an issue not because it is bad, but because it has advanced to places we shouldn’t be at. At least not yet, but in my opinion, it should be never.
Science has gone too far. Discovering things is great. Making things, great. Making people, not so much. If you can change a baby’s genetics, and you can already implant the seed from a man into the egg of a woman, then you can most definitely find a way to make a human. Now for scientist, this is a break through. For me on the other hand, this is a disaster. Why would you ever want to make clones. Did you never watch Star Wars? It didn’t work out too well for them. Did you never watch iRobot? Slightly different but same concept. It didn’t work out for them either. So why should it work out for us? In the real world. Where bad things happen for real. It’s not fake. There are no take backs. Once you follow through with something, there is no redoing it. The damage will have already been done.
In this book, the people don’t seem human to me. I cannot find a way to connect to any of them. The “good” characters are still pretty messed up. The bad ones are definitely worse, but still. They are pretty bad. The supposed “best” of all the characters, the savage, is crazy. To think that someone would hurt themselves because they think about having sex with someone is so messed up. Plus, when he finally gives in and has sex with the girl, HE KILLS HIMSELF. He actually kills himself because he is so ashamed of having sex with someone before marriage. Now I’m Christian, and it is a sin to have sex before marriage, but still, it really isn’t that bad of a thing. It’s nowhere close to being serious enough to kill yourself over it. Science made him think like that. He was the most normal of all of them and yet he was still nowhere near being a normal in the real world.
If people in our world today want to live normal lives with normal people and normal children around them, then science needs to chill out. Stop trying to do make natural things unnatural. It’s not right and I don’t think it ever will be. If making people through science is alright with you, then don’t mind me. Forget you ever read this letter. But if you want to make a difference, please don’t pay some scientist to mess with the genes passed down from generation to generation because you want your child to look different from the rest of your family. I’ve said it once and I’ll said it again, it is unnatural. Please, don’t do it. Going with the flow is what went wrong for the people in this book and it will be what goes wrong in the real world today, trust me.
