Dear barbers

Subject: Dear barbers
From: me
Date: 6 May 2016

Dear all barbers,

I am almost out of patience with paying upwards for $40 for a haircut from someone who can offer me no opinions or feedback when I ask for advice on personal style.

I've never been once to take my car to the mechanic and tell him how to do his job. I understand cutting hair is differen't as no one person is the same and notions of what looks good changes etc but for someone who spent 1400 hours studying haircuts I am going to place expectations on you to offer your opinion and feedback about what I should do if I ask for it.

I don't want to walk into every barber shop with a photo of what another barber did to a better looking persons head. That person had a barber too and that barber said "When I'm done you are going to look suave as fuck". This is the barber I am looking for. Where are they.

To bring me back to my opening complaint. I paid $60 yesterday after tip for a barber to essentially dodge around the question of whether what I had going on was working for me and what alternatives we could squeeze out of it. I had enough of the verbal fencing and just had him tighten up the sides and left vaguely unsatisfied with my experience. Not to detract from him or his shop. He did a fine job but the top of my undercut is not how I imagined it when I started this whole thing and I'd like to know why and what else I could look into as my next haircut.

That's the end of my rant. I am losing patience with barbers. They train more than pilots but only do their job by color by numbers so to speak. I want someone creative with an opinion to fix my shit next time.
