Dear anyone who wishes they had a lot of money

Subject: Dear anyone who wishes they had a lot of money
Date: 23 Feb 2017

I read The Great Gatsby a story about a guy named Nick who personally did have a lot of money growing up, then he moved next door to Gatsby, a man who has/had a lot of money. Gatsby is a man who has parties over the summer long into the nights just to have Daisy, his childhood sweetheart, come to one. She never did though. Daisy and her husband Tom are in a relationship but it isn’t a healthy one. Tom is having an affair with a woman.
And Daisy is/was in love with Gatsby. This is a tragic story of a man trying to use money to gain love, but in the end, money can’t buy happiness.

In chapter eight Wilson finds the silver braided collar that Tom got his mistress. Tom has money to buy a silver braided dog collar. In chapter five Gatsby shows daisy all of his fancy shirts and she starts crying about them. Having Daisy cry over them because they are beautiful and expensive shirts seems kind of childish. He has enough money to have someone buy his shirts for him so he can just be “in fashion” for the season, having someone be able to just buy so many shirts for each season makes Gatsby seem like he doesn’t really care. Gatsby just wants to spend the money because he has the money to spend. Gatsby protected daisy with his power and money he has and got the consequences. When daisy ran over Myrtle she didn’t get in trouble for it in the end Gatsby the one who didn’t even kill Myrtle is the one who gets the consequences.

As far as me and Gatsby having anything in common, it just might as well be as our personalities and being caring towards people. Gatsby has a lot of money and he thinks he could buy his own happiness. I mean yeah who else wouldn’t want to buy that house or that pair of shoes. But I don’t think you could buy happiness because with money “buying” happiness, you can also get greed with the purchases you make.

And if you’re anything like me who thinks people can’t buy their happiness and that buy their greed when they “ buy” their happiness just look at the 2,325 billionaires in the world and see how they act they probably aren’t as nice and you and me. Would you also just look at Anna Nicole Smith married J. Howard Marshall for the money probably not for his look or his personality.

Having me write this letter I want people to start seeing that people can be just greedy for “buying” their happiness. In the end Gatsby couldn’t save his life with his money and power. So all in all money can’t buy happiness.

One who doesn’t have a lot of money.
