To all the girls who struggle with relationships

Subject: To all the girls who struggle with relationships
Date: 22 Apr 2016
I've got to admit. I've never had that perfect relationship, or even the perfect boyfriend. I've never had that perfect kiss on the perfect night. I've never been out on a proper date. I've never been given what I deserve in a relationship, which is why I am telling you all now this. Even though I have never been in the perfect relationship, I realize what I deserve and what I want now. I've learned and I've taken away many things from my many mistakes. So to those girls who need help or advice with what they deserve, this is for you: 1. Don't let a guy persuade you to do something you don't want to do. Okay listen up, no guy has any right to push you past what you're willing to do. If you say no, then it is no. Don't let him make you feel bad for saying no, or have him make you feel like you need to give him an explanation. No is a complete sentence and is pretty clear. 2. Go on actual dates. Don't pull the shenanigans that you just want to go over to each other's house and 'watch a movie.' First, everyone knows you guys aren't going to actually watch the movie. Secondly, have him take you out on a proper date. Don't settle for the quick make out session in his basement, but instead go out to dinner where you guys can actually talk and get to know each other. 3. Communication is key. I don't think anything is more important in any relationship than communicating with your partner. Because you might show up to their house hoping for a few kisses and they might be expecting way more out of you than your willing to do. So, avoid that awkward situation, and communicate beforehand. 4. Tell them often how much they mean to you. We all know how often and how quickly someone can be brutally ripped away from you, from the world. It happens so fast and there's no worse feeling than the one you get when you realize that your last words to the person you love weren't that you love them. So tell them often how much they mean to you and if you love them, tell them! 5. Slow and steady wins the race. Take things slow at first. Get comfy with the relationship and get comfortable with each other. There's nothing worse than that one awkward couple who can't talk with each other or do anything, get comfortable and take things slow. 6. Don't make out in the movie theatres. I know it's hard when maybe you haven't seen each other in a week or you're just really in the mood, but don't. Keep that in private, I know you may think that you two are bad asses for making out in the theatres, but just save that for time when you guys are both alone. No one wants to be in the splash zone. 7. Keep things real. If you're not open and honest with your partner, then they will never know what you're really feeling. Even if maybe your not dating someone but you like them, then be open with them. Share how you feel. One thing I've learned about sharing your feelings, is to never be sorry. Never be sorry for the way you feel, you feel that way for a reason, don't let anyone make you feel like you need to apolegize for the way you feel. 8. Give each other time. There's nothing worse than the feeling you get when you're in a relationship that you jumped into too quickly, and you realize you've made a mistake. So give it time. Love grows when time is given. Don't rush things, if they aren't ready, then don't push them. But also, don't wait around for them forever. Move on if you must, but let them know that you are moving on if they are still not ready for you. 9. Be yourself. There is nothing worse than a fake person. Everyday in high school, I face fake people. They slap on a happy face and like to try and be someone they are not. Don't be that person. Be you, be original. Be the girl who everyone loves to talk to, who everyone envies. Be that girl who guys look at and say "She's out of my league." Maybe not for the looks, but because your personality is so beautiful that they can't come anywhere near you. Be that girl who wakes up every morning ready to take on the day. Be that girl who is original, the girl who is you.
