
Dear possible future father-in-law, You know what it's like to not have a father. So you kind of know how it feels to want one. It's just worse when you're a teenage girl. Since I could remember, since the knowledge that my real father passed away, I've had this burning desire to know what it'd be like to have a father. My mom has had boyfriends but they never seemed to fit the father "mold". I could never picture them being the man I could look up to, one that I could trust. It's not that I want to totally replace my biological father, that's impossible. I didn't know him because I was only three when I lost him. Maybe you like me, maybe you don't. I don't want to ask because to me that sounds needy. I'm sure you understand why I'm distant and why it took a while for me to even...
Public restrooms. It happens. We've all had to enter one at sometime. You go in, mind your business and then leave. Until now. Now it's a political statement. Now it's liberals against conservatives. Meanwhile- I'm staring at the stick figures on the door wondering if I am violating anyone's civil liberties as I cross my legs and hold it. All of a sudden, a quick pit stop at a public restroom is no longer worth the trouble. As the general public releases their artillery disguised as clever memes and religious views, I cringe. I cypher each view point and wait for an impartial and balanced voice to tell us all there is an easy answer. There isn't one. People want to believe their children are more protected using the restroom with "their kind". Boys to the left, girls to the right. As...
Dear D, I know we don't get to see each other anymore but I still think about you all the time. I do miss you dearly. It's been about a year since I've seen you. I hope you're doing well and hope that I will see you soon. We use to be so close to each other, I mean we still are just not as close as we used to be since I haven't seen you. I remember when we would always hang out together. You'd always come over to the house and stay over or we would play Xbox. We went to the pool all the time, Dorney Park and even the skating rink Larose's. I always loved going skating with you every weekend, you and I were the best skaters there. It's pretty cool because how we are brother and sister and everyone there knew who we were just because of how fast and good we were. I miss going skating. When...
Ignorance is bliss. I guess those are the words you lived by dad, and avoidance was the route you decided to take when you walked away from your mistakes. I saw it as abandonment, and ever since that moment I've been waiting, watching to see who will be the next one to follow in your footsteps. In my house, we tiptoe around your name just like how I tiptoe around my feelings as I wake up the next morning with nothing but regret. There are some things better left in the dark. There are some names I wish to bury, but my closet has become so full of skeletons, I don't even remember yours. You are not the only man who's ever hurt me. See, when you walked away, you left behind an isolated little girl who never learned the value of a real relationship, who was never taught how to love. You...
Lieber Dietmar Knöchelmann, Lieber Diddi, Ich bin ein Alter Mann geworden. Als wir uns das erste mal sahen, war ich gerade 15. Das war Kriegsende 1945. Du hattest mir mein Leben gerettet. Daraufhin bauten wir eine lange Freundschaft auf. Wir haben viel erlebt. Wir sind zusammen gereist und unser Kinder und dann unsere Enkelkinder haben miteinander gespielt. ich glaube nicht das es einen Tag in unserem leben gab, an denen wir nicht miteinander gesprochen haben. Du warst mein bester und einziger Freund. Vor 6 Wochen bist Du verstorben. Aldo, Dein Hund trauert noch immer jeden Tag um Dich. Er kann sich nicht daran gewöhnen, dass Du nicht mehr hier bist. Ich auch nicht. Ich gehe mit Aldo jeden Tag spazieren. Unten am Mainufer in Richtung Hafen. Wir sind beide jetzt unglaublich einsam. Es...
I know you just wanted a father for your daughter because you can't keep a guy for more then a couple years before you cheat on them. Here's the difference about this one he already had a daughter and a son. He may not have been happy with our family. I sat up alot of nights hearing him scream at my mom. Or telling me I'm not good enough. The sad thing was I never believed him. I was his little girl and he was my daddy. Never did I imagine would he abandon me and run off. It was hard in the beginning. I'll admit I used to kick myself just thinking of what I did to make him choose you over me. But I've realized I didn't do anything. He wasn't there for me as a kid and now he's just physically gone. You may think he'll change for you and your daughter but he won't. I know not I'm...
Cousin, I was shocked by your behavior towards me especially after everything my parents did for you and your mother when you were little. After you were the flower girl when I married my now ex husband. After you moved here and my now fiancé and I went out of our way for you so many times. It didn't take long for me to realize my presence was only desired when you needed a favor. You acted like you cared only to stomp all over my feelings when I confronted you. What's even more disturbing is your utter lack of love, respect and concern for anyone in our family. When I called you to ask if you were okay after hearing that our uncle was terminally ill and you said that you, "never really knew him anyways." The time you told me that you don't particularly care for Grandma and didn't...
An open letter to the dad that loved me, First of all, I want to say I love you. Because I do not say it enough. You weren’t the first man that I called “Dad”, but you were the first one to earn it. Thank you for all that you do. I thank you for always having an open listening ear, and all of the late night drives around town just so I could talk to you about anything and everything happening in my life from all the juicy gossip to my hopes and dreams. Although you do not always get enough credit for all that you do, I really do appreciate you dad. Thank you for loving me as your own. I understand how hard it can be to love and accept someone else’s child, and I thank you for never making me feel like I didn’t belong. Thank you for teaching me that I am worth something....
Nothing more rough than growing up without a father. But it's more worse being sent into foster care because of his actions. Its worse when you grow up in a home without your parents. The day I got the phone call my dad passed changed my life. This was a man I had a few visitations with before his rights were tirminated. This is the man who was suppose to tuck me into bed and night and read me a story. Instead this man was weak. This man left me for someone else's problems because he was to scared and to big of a coward to face them. This man had a wrap sheet two pages long. He was unstable, being a foster kid himself, he didn't know how to raise a child. Both my parents bailed. And to my dad. My dad who passed away my 10th grade year, I'm learning to love myself and forgive you for...
The first time I remember being violated by you I had fallen asleep on the couch watching T.V. with you. I woke up to find my pants pulled down and I felt you rubbing your penis on my butt. I slowly stood up and just walked to my room. The second time you were about to go to work and I was asleep in my High School Musical pants, I woke up to your hand up the leg of my pants fingering me. I pretended nothing was happening. After a while of things like this happening mom started to get suspicious and kept asking me things about it. When I finally told the truth I felt ashamed and dirty. We went to the cops and I told them everything. But you and mom pressured me into changing my story and saying nothing had happened and I had said yes just to say it. The molestation stopped for awhile....
