
Dear Southern Rail, I would like to apologise for the delay in this letter, this was caused by rain and the lack of a writer. Now, when you decided to create a railway transport service, surely you considered something, most commonly known as weather. A wondrous thing, that can cause rain, sun and snow. From previous experience, I'm gathering that you didn't consider it and because of that huge glitch, I now have to put up with trains being delayed and cancelled because of it. I feel no sympathy when you announce that a train is being cancelled because it is too hot. Give them a calippo and get them back out on the track, because I've got somewhere to be. Also I would like to know where this apparent profit that you reinvest into the train service goes, because I have not seen...
Considering the content of my complaint below, I suppose I shouldn't really be surprised that despite your automated response to my email telling me that you "Aim to respond fully" to my "enquiry within 20 working days".......I haven't yet received one. Time keeping certainly isn't your strong point is it Southern? So I wonder if an open letter will help prompt a reply to the below email which was sent on 26th January 2016? Let's see...... Dear Southern, I have been travelling on the London to Brighton line between Clapham Junction and Burgess Hill since March 2014. During this time I have experienced many, many delays to the services which I pay a hefty sum for each month. Since the new timetable came into effect in mid December 2015, my regular trains changed to...
An Open Letter To Airlines Greetings, My name is Melissa and I am both a frequent flyer and a single mother of a 9 year old boy. Because my employment demands that I live on the West Coast and my son's Father lives on the East Coast I am dependent upon air travel to visit with my son. Let me begin by saying that I am very fortunate and blessed with friends and family who have helped make visitation with my son possible, and that I am sure there are many people who are not so privileged. It is for them that I am writing this letter to you as well as for myself. This year I have a job that is flexible and allows me work remotely. Recently I stretched the flexibility of my company for a four month period so that I could see my son on the holidays. In order to do this I requested...
As of 2013 all foreigners who want to work or intern in China must have a work visa (Z Visa) in hand when they arrive in China. This is the Chinese visa law, and there is no "grace" or "probationary period" nor "exclusions" nor "exemptions". The scam agents will even try to tell you that the law was just "ammended last week"! No matter what the sales people and recruiting agents tell you - THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS! They will try to convince you to come to China on a L, F, or M visa. If you listen to them you will have a 50% chance of spending your China adventure behind bars like the 2,185 expats that were jailed in 2014, then fined $2,000 and deported with a 5 year reentry ban and a felony conviction on their record. You can read more about this subject at the below links friends....
Subject: Cultural know-how to Cultural Shock in India Dear Foreigner, No offence, you might be a veteran wayfarer, but this letter is addressed to you in respect of your status when visiting our country. Your expedition to every country will be as unique as the countries themselves. Your visit here, to India, will be no different. It’ll teach you things you might have never given a thought to learn, enrich you with experiences – buoyant as well as trying, add to your adventures and leave you with canvas of tales you can paint over and over again. Without much further ado, I write this to wish you B-O-N V-O-Y-A-G-E, literally, for you're about to embark on a cultural roller coaster, albeit the Indian one. Hang in there, for it gets better! :D B – BOB, also Body Language The...
You do know that you operate one of the most important train networks In the world. You also know that you are paid the most out of ANY profession in this country. You are paid more then people that risk their lives to save others; more than teachers, doctors firefighters. And we all know that this as about your selfishness to get more. As seen here in your terms that may or my not already of been met The TfL revised pay offer guarantees Three-year offer (from April 2015) – guaranteed pay rise for each year: Average increase on basic salary of 2% for 2015, made up of 1% annual pay increase (equivalent to RPI) plus £500 consolidated flat rate increase recognising the introduction of Night Tube RPI or 1% (whichever greater) pay increase for 2016 and 2017 £500 non-...
I am sorry that your journeys this evening and tomorrow will again be disrupted by the unions. We listened to their concerns over work-life balance and put forward an extremely fair, revised offer: An above-inflation average two per cent salary increase this year and an inflation-proof rise in 2016 and 2017 Staff on Night Tube lines or stations will be paid £500 once the service is introduced on 12 September Station staff will receive a £500 bonus in February 2016 for the successful completion of the modernisation of customer service, currently being carried out Drivers, who already work shifts covering 24 hours, will receive an extra £200 per Night Tube shift during a short transition period, after which they will have the choice whether or not to work Night Tube shifts Drivers...
Dear Modern Travel Technology, Everything worked fine before you came into my life. It used to be that my new friends were those that serendipitously crossed my path. Like that time in Spain I slept outside of the train station in a park, met 3 other travelers, spontaneously rented a car and took off on a random road trip through Basque Country instantly transforming a group of strangers into best buddies. Despite not being able to view some version of their lives on my computer before meeting, we still figured out how to have a great time, make beautiful memories and stay in touch afterwards, at least for a little while. While we are at it, I’ve got another beef…. It used to be when I got lost or needed a little help, I just asked somebody passing by me on the...
Dear Mrs. Angrum: I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate you for successfully sending the Curiosity probe to our neighbor planet of Mars. I am sure it must not be an easy task to undertake, after all there is a lot of math involved and many factors have to be taken into account before one delves into building rockets and roving vehicles to explore other planets. I pray that when this letter reaches you, you all have sobered up from the unavoidable celebrations that must have followed the successful marsing. Do you say “marsing,” as in “landing”? I guess you know more about that than I do. I would appreciate if you could answer this first question in your response letter. I loved the panoramic pictures that you took of the surface of Mars. They are a lot like some pics...
Dear John, We hate you. In the last couple weeks you’ve deserted us here in the depths of a Northeast winter to make a run for the West Coast on the trip of a lifetime, solo. You’re so selfish. It’s too cold to go outside on foot let alone on a motorcycle, but you’ve ridden so much in the last 10 days you’re going to need new tires by the time you get to San Francisco. Sure, you had some unexpected mechanical expenses before you left. But Moto Borgotaro fixed you up and now you’ve probably got the best running Moto Guzzi 850 T-3 this side of 1979. More importantly, you are in the midst of rallying that finely tuned freight train across the country. Do we feel sorry for you? No, John. Sorry. We don’t. What’s that? You’re starting to get road weary? Dude, after 3,000 miles...
