Merry Christmas everyone!
This is for everyone in the world, no matter your race, gender(s), religious preferences, etc. I know I have just offended over half of the world so sorry but it is my belief and right to say "Merry Christmas."
This should be a world filled with love all year long. The feelings of Christmas, those wonderful, hope-filled feelings that everything is going to be okay should last all year.
The way people come together to make sure shelters have money, food, clothing, etc. should happen all year.
We should be doing this all year. Efforts should be made all year to pay kindness, trust, food, shelter, clothing, etc forward. A truce should be called, especially here in the United States. Our country, the greatest in the world, for showing compassion to...
Why is it considered funny when people mock others? On TV or in movies we call it comedy but in real life it is bullying and shaming.
Do people really find it funny when others are mocked? I don't. I find it degrading and embarrassing. I want to crawl into a corner and deny I ever knew those doing it.
I don't do those things and I don't condone it. I make a comment that I didn't find that funny and would you please explain why humiliating someone, pointing out their flaws or idiosyncrasies in front of others is a good idea.
But I realized after watching an extremely short news op on the walkout of Amy Schumer's comedy show that most people who do this are very insecure. She decided to attack Donald Trump and had to have some of the audience removed when they started booing...
I am not Haitian. I do not live in Haiti. But I did… for a year. I also have a master’s degree in Sustainable International Development. This does not make me an expert, but I do have knowledge; Knowledge that needs to be shared.
Living in Haiti for a year, I saw many good-hearted people trying to help, but actually causing more problems. Yes, “helping” can hurt. I get it. I’ve done it. It’s our instinct to want to help, and that’s good. It’s great, actually, but it’s our duty to make sure we are doing it right. For that reason, I wanted to make sure that people weren’t continuing to do things that were hurting and were being misled by a published news source.
First of all, The Red Cross. Do not donate to them. There have been scandals with the Red Cross after Hurricane Katrina...
You may not know this, but after everything I still love my husband. Six years ago I began talking to a man who made me weak at the knees. The whole butterflies in my stomach kind of love. Not to long after we started dating I became pregnant with our now 5 year old son. Things didn't work out through out most of my pregnancy, but in the end we made it work. He asked me to marry him in March of 2011 and we got married in July. It may have not been the big fairy tale wedding, but I got to become his wife! Two years later we had another son, both of those boys are OUR blessing. You see we have two wonderful kids together and he has two of the most amazing boys from his first marriage. I adore all four of our kids! I knew in the past he had an addiction problem but we were a family and I...
This recent pop culture "event" born out of sheer nastiness and propagated media hype is sadly indicative of a desensitization which thrives on the internet.
There's a great deal that's wrong in this age of (anti) social media and the present viciousness being spread in a literal conspiratorial manner against Ms Swift is wrong for many reasons; decency being first and foremost as this era truly lacks this value as proven time and time again.
It is illegal by law to record a phone call without informed consent of the called person.
For Ms Kardashian to have not only recorded Ms Swift but to then publish and promote it on the internet is in further violation of the law.
In Ms Swift's media response to social backlash calling her a liar she correctly stated that Kanye West never...
Dear World,
We have a problem.
Well, we have many problems, and I know we can never make this world perfect, but we should try to make this a world where the future generation don’t look at the world and say “what did our species do to this planet, our people, and our animals?”
Let’s start simple. “Black face” and “Yellow face”. What the hell is that about? Why was it that black and Asian people were unable to play their own roles? Do you actually understand how stupid that sounds to my ears? Read the sentence again, and understand how we came to that.
Why do we still have guns?
And no, don’t give me the excuse that we “need them to protect ourselves”. If no one had guns, then we would not need guns. And then we have people saying the knives could still be used. You cannot fire a...
I am not afraid to say that I'm Gay. This past weekend there was a shooting at a gay club in Orlando, I'm sure you have already heard about it. Declared the biggest mass shooting in United States History.
This Shooting has done more than just damage my pride. This has damaged and even made me question my sense of security. Where am I safe? as a 17 year old female I am questioning where I am safe. I shouldn't have to, but i do. I do this because as a teenager that has access to internet in 2016 I have seen so much media coverage and news reports on shootings, terrorist attacks, and just people being murdered in general. This is what makes me feel so unsafe, unfortunately most of the time in places that are made to be safe.
Of course, I live in a town in America where...
Dear World,
I never really write anything personal on the internet, I’ve always had the opinion that my personal life is mine, and people probably don’t want to know the boring details anyway, so I post things that I think might be entertaining, and I keep in touch with my friends. After all, I don’t want to come across all soppy now do I?.
But in the wake of the last couple of days, I’ve been itching to write something, to do something with the feelings I’ve had. Something horrible happened across the world, yet it has affected myself and the LGBT+ community as if were on our doorstep.
Now, I probably know a few of the people reading this personally, but if I didn’t know you, I’d usually introduce myself by my name, where I come from and how old I am. Simple little details....
Dear All annoying high school seniors,
We've all seen your "blah blah class of 2020" posts on Facebook. We get it, you're seniors and you're leaving for some college. I've tried my best to miss you but the year just keeps droning on and on; suddenly I don't find myself missing any of the seniors anymore. Every time I open my eyes to a new day of school, I realize you're S T I L L here. Do us a favor and leave already! LEAVE! LE-AVE! GOODBYE! I'm tired of hearing about whatever school you got into and what your future "job" is going to be. Please, just go already. Just rip off the band aid. Leave for that school you got into by a hanging thread. Just go.
Yours truly,
every other high school student
To Glyn,
The effect you have on my life is still momentous, I am awake another night weighting this at 1am as your life goes on untouched by me most likely, Mine is reminded of your horror nearly every day.
I have nightmares about you at least once a week.
When I am at work people ask me the story of my scars from you and after I am finished being a colleague, a mother and a wife you come crashing into my world again with a full force of sickness in my stomach and throat.
My children run their fingers over my scars and say “ouchie” and I still don’t know what I will say when they are old enough to badger me to say where they came from the way adults do.
I didn’t want you to go to jail when I reported it (and i didn’t expect you to deny it) I was doing the right thing but I...