Dear Japan and Korea,
Yes, I am addressing both of you. You see I enjoy many aspects of your pop culture. And I can see that you enjoy many aspects of my pop culture. It's pretty flattering to see Koreans and Japanese people taking on things like hip-hop and R...
Dear Tony,
Hello, I am a Korean female with three children. I was deeply moved to write to you after reading your article which appeared in the Korean Herald dated June 25.
As I was reading your article sentence by sentence, my heart was beating and my eyes were getting wet. It was almost a shock to me for two reasons; I have never heard of or read a story like yours in which dreadful fear of war lasted a man throughout his life. And I was very sad that so many foreign soldiers died and suffered for the sake of the unknown land of Korea during the Korean War. How sad their families were, losing their beloved sons, fathers or husbands! If they fought and died for their own country, they would have been honored as heroes. I don't even want my husband to give up his life for my country...
Dear Sony,
I’m really not a fan right now. In fact, I’m really disappointed with your recent decision to completely stuff The Interview into a drawer.
I can no longer support a company that completely cancels a movie’s release because of threats and hackers.
I have many reasons. One of these reasons is: If the various places for which I do contract work let me go because they’ve been attacked for hiring me, I’d have much less work. Instead, these places—one of which includes this website–have increased support and circled their wagons around me.
And now, only hours after the announcement was made that you are pulling The Interview from both theaters and video-on-demand release, there are many reputable sources who are pulling apart the claims that North Korea is behind all of...
An Open Letter To President Mugabe
Dear Mr President,
I hope this letter finds you well since your recent pronouncements about the fatigue already building up day-in, day-out. I just hope God can make you recover as quickly as possible as there is no other that heals the sick and opens the eyes of the blind.
Mr President, its obvious from your other recent announcement that the controversial land grabs have yielded nothing but poverty. Its also obvious that white Zimbabweans had their citizenship and rights taken away by their fellow citizens with the endorsement of a black president and the connivance of the securocrats. It is unfortunate that a Zimbabwean black president is racist towards whites, whereas US Vice President Joe Biden, a white man himself, proudly champions the...
Ms. President, when I gave you my vote I was convinced that your manifesto was what the country needed to move forward into an era
that would make us all proud. I now know that the ideas were very good and the arrogance of those you put in charge of the execution guarantee a failure thousands of times bigger than Transantiago. Just fixing the social antagonism the intended reforms have created will take decades.
The " we know better attitude " of a couple of your ministers endangers our democracy. The lack of due thought and consideration of the educational reform, originally promoted to improve quality and access
is just a populist attempt to endear yourself to the " Chile Chavistas".
A wasted effort that we will regret for years to come and will ensure NM
will be voted out as...
Dear Madame President,
As someone who, during 16 years in the United States Congress, has celebrated the US-South Korean friendship and who maintains deep ties with the Korean community in the United States, I respectfully write to express my concern about the policies of your government, which are anti-democratic and which discredit the sacrifices that American soldiers made so many years ago in Korea's defense.
The arrest and imprisonment of an elected member of your Congress, Lee Seok-ki, on charges of sedition, will be noted by members of the United States Congress who are painfully aware of the personal and political risks which can attend challenging an administration whose politics greatly differ. Your attempt to outlaw an opposing political party, your use of your National...
Dear World Leaders,
We write to sound a warning. A warning that 2015 will be a year of huge opportunity, but also of huge risk.
What is at stake here could not be greater, for it is not less than the future of our human family and the world upon which we all depend. Two global processes – the replacement of the current UN development framework and the conclusion of a new climate treaty – culminate within months of each other at the end of 2015. They require us to decide which future we want for people and planet. For there are two dramatically different futures we could live in by 2030.
Down one hopeful path we have built on progress, and learned how to eradicate extreme poverty, hunger, as well as put an end to preventable maternal, newborn and child deaths. In so doing, we will...
Old friend,
My writings have not
Ceased and it
Seems you've
Come to
Your ultimate
Tenure goal,
To alienate
A people.
Time and time
Again we have
Watched you fail
To create an
Dividing the lines
Of progress.
Discrimination under the
Guise of religious
Freedom and
Expression is
Commendably skillful
But who is to say
That my religion,
My moral compass
Permits me to
Continue to
Grace you as a
Such has come to
Show that Indiana
Mustn't want to
Serve me any longer.
Your work has truly
Made me ashamed of
My Indiana citizenship,
Origins and pride
Tainted by an
Unwillingness to enter
Mutual understanding
An unaddressed
Bigotry that you...
Dear Mr Putin,
I have yet to meet with you personally in a face to face conversation, but here I give you the benefit of the doubt as one of the remaining sane leaders on Planet Earth.
We live in perilous times, and it is imperative at this juncture that WE, as Human Beings who are ALL members of the Human Family, recognize the nature of OUR discontent, and exactly where – and who that discontent stems from.
If a problem is to be solved, it is necessary to first understand WHAT or WHOM is causing the problem, and what necessary steps need to be taken to resolve the issue at hand.
The purpose of this letter is first to promote goodwill and solidarity between the good people of Russia and the good people of the usa, and issue a call for solidarity between the good people of Russia and...
Dear President Jonathan:
I want to congratulate you for surviving your checkered tenure as the President of our dear country, Nigeria. Six years are truly arduously long for anyone to steer the ship, which ferries the largest concentration of Black people on planet earth across the nebulous ocean of ethnic jingoism, unscrupulous agitations, melancholic spurting for inclusion or belligerent cry of marginalization, and, most importantly, bellicose vituperation for probity, accountability, and simple sanity in the polity under your executive watch.
I have had to look up all these fancy words in the dictionary to understand what newspapers and other commentators have been saying about you in the last four years that I have been seriously reading all the major newspapers of Nigeria on a...