Dear School Board,
I’m sure that you are aware that many kids in Richmond go to public schools where they receive an education from under paid caring teacher but in crumbling buildings with rat infested walls.
Two years ago, I went to William Fox Elementary school. Fox is a public school in the heart of Richmond. While Fox is one of the better off schools in the city, my fifth grade homeroom teacher let me know about the problems in other schools. She convinced me to attend a city council meeting where I heard teachers, parents and even some kids speak for what they thought was right. They told stories of ceiling tiles falling on people's heads, and teacher getting to school early to clean rat poop off of desks.
The fact that kids have gotten injured from poorly maintained buildings is ridiculous. No parents should have to worry about their kids safety when at school.
How hard is it to allow a little more money from your budget to help keep these schools in safe conditions. Teachers keep working under little pay because they think that education is one of the most important aspects of our community. Why don’t you think so too.
The future of our community is based in the schools. If kids don’t get a good education than the city won’t have the educated people needed to uphold a successful community.
The pass rate for public elementary schools in richmond is only about 78%. There are only about 1200 students enrolled in public schools. This means that there are about 260 students each year who don’t make it pass their grade.
These kids wouldn’t have had the base education to get into a good high school and eventually a good college.
You need to make better decisions about how you choose to spend the cities money.
I think I can speak for large percent of the Richmond community when I say I want to see change.
Don’t wait too long. Save our schools.
Benjamin Davis