If you are a veteran who was denied housing by any of the 295 Avalon Bay Communities around America AFTER you told them you had a HUDVASH Section 8 housing voucher which guarantees payment for a full year with 5 years of renewals, you are not alone. They are selectively doing this to hundreds of homeless veterans, some disabled, some seniors, of every color, especially if wealthy Chinese migrants offer more money for the same rental units, whether they are in America legally or not!
The biggest abuse is now taking place in New York and New Jersey but some cases have popped up in California and Seattle as well. When caught in their unethical and illegal housing discrimination that violates not only the federal Fair Housing Act, but Title 18 of the the Criminal Code Fraud Statutes, and every State's equal fair housing laws and new York's Title 18 of their Human Rights Act, AVB falsely claims the Chinese applied before you did, but are never able to prove it. In some cases the Chinese actually admit they offered to pay as much as $1,000 more for the same unit.
But an insider at Avalon Bay says they blow off these cases for the sake of higher profits and do not fear any repercussions from homeless veterans who cannot afford costly attorneys. In 2021 AVB reported annual earnings of $390 million. Homeless Veterans must find a way to live on $23,000 a year plus their social security if they are a senior over age 65. It is exactly this kind of housing discrimination that perpetuates the homelessness of veterans who are wrongly assumed to be alcoholics, drug addicts, or psychopaths. Many have university degrees, speak many languages, and were once flying or fixing $50 million aircraft, or decorated members of elite military units.
Today I am reporting AVB to HUD, SEC, IRS, and the AG of every state where they operate with the hopes they are fully investigated, exposed, and punished for their dubious, despicable, and greedy policies. How dare they give preference to foreign illegals over Americans who risked their life and limbs for this nation that gave them the opportunity and right to prosper!
If you are also a veteran who had the above experience or suddenly had a huge rent increase that exceeded your voucher amount and then had Chinese move into your unit after eviction, please help me find the right lawyer to file a class-action law suit. Someone has to stop this abusive Goliath. Text David on signal app only at 347-824-4413. No veteran family deserves to be defrauded simply because they must spend their money on groceries instead of a lawyer.