Subject: 24
From: A
Date: 23 Sep 2019

Us and this world
Dear Y
Please play opera house by cigarettes after sex first.

I know that this is not the first letter I wrote for you and I know that I will keep writing more even if you are not there to read them.
You knew that I wasn’t exactly the type of person who would get into this kind of mess, nor believed in it in the first place. I was a mess and pieces of me were all over the ground then I loved you completely unaware, and unavoidably I picked a piece of you when I built myself again so now there is me and there is you and this world is unfamiliar with us being together. Boundaries were slowly melting and I was wrapped with black and red, my heart and blood rushing me in this feeling a bit further until you had a stain on me, and stains are pretty hard to hide, aren’t they?
Loving you was dark and surly unexpected but now it’s nothing but a full moon in an infinite winter night. Loving you feels like reading a poem for the first time and knowing that it will be your favorite one till ever. A poem that you would remember in your deep downs ,when the sun rise is too glorious to ignore or simply when someone says your name even though it’s not actually you.
Doesn’t it excite you? this hidden love of ours, that no knows about. Not only it but that no one knows why all of the sudden you are smiling with rosy cheeks with everyone around or why your eyes are glowing and their color were never this bright before, even the way laughter is incredibly deep and straight from the heart but how sad that we cannot unleash the butterflies in our chests and scream that you are in love from the highest rooftop around. That’s okay though since my heart has never been this high but only with you, it is.

But I love you despite this madness and this crowd. Despite that you are a mile, a home, a door away but dreaming never hurt anyone and despite the fact that my back is against yours and despite that this love will leave a scar that will show and they will know.

Here is to many more of twenty fours.
Love always
