Dear Jan Korris,
I know I have emailed you regarding this matter and have also contacted the BACP. But I often feel that I should speak out and tell the general public of my feelings as well as you, because you don't seem to care very much about the damage you have done.
As I write my series of open letters, I know that they may be all that I leave behind if the Diocese of Winchester are not stopped from destroying me. That is how serious and awful this matter in which you have taken part is.
I am also aware that the Diocese do not want me to be heard.
As a BACP counsellor, you were not qualified to carry out your report, and I cannot understand why a supervisor would apparently allow, condone and uphold what you did, but apparently your supervisor did.
The 'Korris Report',...
My name is Eileen and I am a HUGE CSI:Miami fan. I am an RN and at one time actually considered forensic nursing.
I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia last July. My course so far has been up and down with several problems but for now, I feel well.
I am trying to raise money and awareness for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society @LLSusa so we can find a cure for all blood cancers. Tomorrow evening is the first in a three part documentary: Cancer: The Emperor of all Maladies on PBS.
I urge you to watch it. My cousin Kate beat Stage three Hodkin's Lymphoma last year and is running a half marathon with #TeamInTraining. I would like to ask that you donate by going to her page. Type Teamintraining in your browser, click on Donate and type in Kate Balzer. She just made her...
A First Open letter to Senator Sir Philip Bailhache, Member of the States of Jersey. With Tribute to Jersey’s local media and citizen’s who’s articles are referenced in this letter,( and although those in power can dismiss the citizens who are intelligent and brave enough to look at the counterpoint as ‘conspiracy theorists’ they obviously are not) This letter and it’s links will take the average reader some hours to get through:
Dear Philip Bailhache,
I thought that I would write to you together as you have extensively worked to vilify me and clear the Dean and wrongdoers in the Deanery of Jersey.
It is the second anniversary of the Bishop of Winchester’s foolhardy launch in the press of my case and the Dean’s suspension. I do not condone his incredibly wrong actions,...
I know right now you feel like crap.
Life is grey and bleak and seems hopeless.
"What`s the point when I can`t even get out of bed," you think.
"I cannot go on and I just wish I could die"
What if I told you this is just a temporary time that will pass.
It won`t go on like this forever and eventually it will end.
Life isn`t over.
There`s life beyond these 4 walls and you will enjoy it again.
Maybe not today or tomorrow but that's Ok.
Do the little things you need to do.
Like get up, make that bed, shower and clean up.
Make a hot cup of tea.
Thank God for the ability to walk and talk ( even if it is to just yourself)
Cry if you need to.
Eat something.
Look in the mirror and smile at YOU., Yes YOU!
See? you are doing it.
Life isn`t...
Dear Bruce Willing, Philip Bailhache, Gavin Ashenden and others who have villified me,
I thought I would write in response to what I see as a smear campaign against myself by yourselves in response to the Korris report that assesses the Dean of Jersey to have done wrong.
I have silently endured your very unChristian response to the Korris report for a long time
I am deeply dismayed by your approach to the matter.
I am first and foremost very sad to see how far behind the rest of the world Jersey is with regards to attitude to mental health.
You claim me to be mentally ill and you use that against me not only in a way that criminalizes me but in a derogatory way that puts your view across in a way that makes it look as if you are removing credibility from all people with mental...
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mueller,
As a humanitarian worker, I say that Kayla was too young and too promising to be foreshortened in this way, but that she and her work matter to people here in the last place where she lived and worked. She lived the life we all wish to live – a life that had meaning. A life of generous wishes and action for others on the planet not blessed with the opportunities that she enjoyed.
As an American, I say that Kayla represented what makes me proud of being American and things of which I am grateful to be reminded. Her sense of fairness and activism and her unquestioning courage to just get up and out and to try to make a difference – this quality isn’t unique to Americans but it is a distinctive attribute. No, her innocence and her good will failed to protect...
Dear President Monson:
We are a part of a community of thousands of current and former members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Recent events surrounding the Church have prompted us to add our voices to the conversation about the desire for transparency.
We speak out as current and former bishops, Relief Society presidents, Elders Quorum presidents, Primary presidents, Young Women and Young Men leaders, missionaries, and tithe payers. We loved the Church and we still love its members, but many of us have made the difficult choice to leave. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf summed up the feelings many of us have when he said:
One might ask, “If the gospel is so wonderful, why would anyone leave?”
Sometimes we assume it is because they have been offended or lazy or...
Dear Bishop Paul Butler,
I was reminded of you through your recent match with Macsas in the Church Times,
Of course this kind of MAtch game is an ongoing thing, and excruciating to watch, with both sides as self-interested as each other, and it tends to be amusing and tragic at the same time, because neither you nor MACSAS make things better for abuse victims, they don't because they are so self-absorbed and political and I have first hand experience of just how harmful they are as a loose-canon, wounded survivor charity, because they are political and unethical and in my case have even broken the law because they are without ethics and without any ability to regulate themselves or help victims within boundaries. I will go back to that later.
In your case, you shout in the press...
Dear Bishop Dakin,
You have stolen two years of my life for a public character assination of me.
You owe me recompense for that.
You also owe a duty of care in stopping this endless living in fear.
You either put me in contact with these legal and safeguarding experts who are supposedly looking at your whitewash report, so that I can tell my story,
or you stop claiming that these people are looking at the report, and scrub the report, so that the attacks on me by the Jersey Deanery and BBC, which I hold YOU responsible for, stop.
You are breaching my human rights by making me ilive in fear and under repeated attacks without warning in the press, and Jane Fisher has repeatedly breached my human rights by her illegal actions in Jersey and Winchester and beyond, violating me over...
Dear Archbishop Welby,
I feel compelled to write to you due to your recent vote-swinging and propaganda at the expense of the vulnerable campaign.
Do you remember me, the vulnerable abuse victim who you left homeless and destitute with her career in ruins? Do you remember me, the vulnerable adult who you left voiceless and excluded from all your whitewash reports?
Please stop this nonsense. You have more important things to do than spread propaganda through the press, you...