
To my nineteen-year-old-advocates*, To my peers, my supporters, my friends. Those who sat through meeting after meeting after meeting with me as I fought every administrator who saw me as a liability, a statistic to be reported, rather than as a person. Let me amend that—as we fought the administrators. Because in their eyes, my assault transformed me into a problem and you into a disruption. Because I became another number that threatened their reputation and you became a confrontational loose cannon. To my nineteen-year-old-advocates, The ones who contacted their parents, knowing we needed a real grownup on our side. The ones who called the lawyers they know, pleading for legal advice. The ones who stayed up until 5 in the morning researching current policies on sexual...
Anyone thinking about applying for work in China needs to know that 30% of all job ads you see posted for China "opportunities" are posted by "fronters" for ID thieves. The rings are huge and in one both typically charge over $3 million to the names of innocents expats working in China. In some cases $5,000 down payments are made to buy a car in Foreign Teacher's name and the next day that car is sold for parts and nets the thieves $30,000 especially if it is a German luxury car. This is a very sophisticate scam that all starts with you sending your resume and passport scan to some voice on Skype with a Chinglish name like Tommy Zhou. These fabricated names are just as untraceable as their gmail or email sites, and their disposable simm cards on their mobile phones. Read...
It that time of year again fellow China Foreign Teachers, and we need your input - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Help warn your colleagues of a problem school, a scam agent, or recommend the safe and fair places to work in China. If you just want to vent, or commend your employer this is your chance. Once a year we take a random foreign teachers survey. So to get your survey form and participate in strict confidence, just send an email to [email protected]. You can also use the the last question on the survey to rate, complain, or commend your current employer. But be advised that if you fail to answer all 25 of the questions (truthfully please), none of your other comments will be taken into consideration. We are accepting the first 2,000 surveys to hit our inbox...
Dear Parents, This week the Noble Network of Charter Schools received exciting news that the U.S. Department of Education’s Charter Schools Program (CSP) selected Noble as a recipient of an $8.4 million grant as part of the Replication and Expansion for High-Quality Charter Schools grant competition. This five-year grant will enable Noble to serve an even greater number of Chicago’s public school students. In order to be eligible for the grant, schools were required to demonstrate success in increasing student academic achievement. Thanks to your work, the work of your students and their teachers, Noble high schools are among the top performing open enrollment public high schools in Chicago. The number of Noble students prepared for and enrolled in college increases each year, with...
When we did our 2014 annual teachers survey last year, we learned that 67% of all expats teaching in China claimed they were cheated at least once of their wages, bonuses, or "refundable deposits" that were not paid as agreed. Those accused of the thefts were both employers and and agents. The stolen wages averaged 12,000 yuan or about $2,000. In most cases it is the last pay-check and year-end bonuses that do not get paid. It appears these big fat bonus checks (usually 10,000-20,000 yuan) are just used as bait by recruiters who never have any intention of paying them. Since most recruiters use untraceable Chinglish names like "Ben Liu" or "Mary Zhou" they have no chance of any legal prosecution or problems. Next year they will simply start recruiting as "Ben Li" and "Mary Zheng"....
Dear buzzfeed, I didn't really know who to email for this so I just thought I'd send it and see if I can explain. I love all your videos particularly the series on "I am...but I am not" and find them so inspirational after my own problems. I should probably state I suffer from poor mental health, simple fact and not something I let stop me unfortunately it does stop other people and most recently my school. I've already moved once after I faced severe homophobic bullying and when coming to my second new school in two years I was determined new step new start, the problem "new" is very hard when covered in very old scars! I spent all summer agonising over bio oil and long sleeve shirts but came to the conclusion this is me, I will be strong and so did not hide my arms when I first...
Dear Mr. McMinimee: I am a parent with two daughters who attend Jeffco Schools. Yesterday I received the Super News update from you in my e-mail with some explanation about the closures at Conifer High School and Standley Lake. As you explained the situation you concluded with this statement, “I’m not going to speculate on why teachers were absent.” This statement has left me confused about your awareness of what is going on in your organization. I have a little experience with district and teacher issues. Might I suggest a few reasons why teachers might have called in sick or taken personal days on the same day? 1. The election of the schools board brought a promise of better fiscal transparency and stewardship of public funds. However this board has given money to...
Dear Roxie, Welcome to the middle of middle school. Year two. Grade 7. Remember how you worried last summer about having only four minutes between classes to cross a big, unfamiliar building, and about memorizing your locker combination, and how you would handle the homework load and who you would eat lunch with, and a whole list of what ifs that I don’t even know? You and every other kid, my girl. Everyone starts middle school with those same what ifs. You were never alone. Know this. Everyone was a little terrified. Everyone. Change is hard. Even good change. Fitting into a new place, settling into a different rhythm, it’s all uncomfortable at first. That’s how life is. Even when know where we are going, change is scary. Every time. No matter how old you are. This is one...
Dear Teachers, Please accept my apology for lack of follow through this summer. During spring conferences, you offered resources to keep my children smart over the summer, yet I have failed in many areas. Let me count the ways. Neither of my daughters solved one math problem this summer. Although, I did request they calculate sale prices when back-to-school shopping. I’m hoping this counts for something. Sugar was its own food group. The number of cake pops alone constitutes a need for a veggie intervention. Sleepovers have caused my 12-year old to look like an overworked lawyer trying to make partner. “Boy crazy” happened. If there is a boy with the initials R.G. in class with my daughter, her focus will be on him instead of you. I have no idea how to handle this on many...
Dear Mrs. M, You don’t know my son yet, but we have been talking about you all summer. He is bursting with excitement as he waits impatiently for the first day of school, and checks daily to make sure his brand-new backpack is still hanging in the hall closet. He talks about what you will teach him, and he has the sweetest smile when he practices raising his hand to answer questions around the dinner table. You don’t know me yet either, Mrs. M, but I apologize in advance if I seem overly keen and wide-eyed (or anxious and unsure) as I get my footing as an elementary school parent. I just turned 32, but I still sometimes feel like I’m in school myself, masquerading as a grown-up. I will try to keep it together as I delight in signing permission slips and bringing in class snacks and...
