Dear Prime Minister, The RT. Hon. David Cameron, MP.
I wish to ask you a question: "Is the following true?"
I refer to the Pension Reality Check. Are you aware of this ...?
The British Government provides the following financial assistance:
Retirement Pensioner in the UK
(Bearing in mind that they worked hard and paid Income Tax and National Insurance contributions all their working life.)
Weekly allowance: £106.00?
Immigrants/Refugees in the UK
(No Income Tax or National Insurance contribution whatsoever)
Weekly allowance: £250.00
Weekly Spouse Allowance: £25.00?
Illegal Immigrants/Refugees in the UK
Weekly Spouse Allowance: £225.00
Additional Weekly Hardship Allowance: £0.00?
Illegal Immigrants/Refugees in the UK
Additional Weekly Hardship Allowance: £100.00
A UK pensioner is no less hard up than an illegal immigrant or refugee, yet receives nothing in Hardship Allowance!
Total Annual Benefit: £6,000?
Illegal Immigrants/Refugees in the UK
Total Annual Benefit: £29,900
After all, the average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country for the last 40 to 60 years.
Sad isn't it? Surely it's about time we put our own people first.
Colin Baker