To whom it may concern,
I do not consider myself an oracle or a fortune teller, but I...
To whom it may concern,
I do not consider myself an oracle or a fortune teller, but I...
Hi Dev
Congratulations on officially becoming an adult now. I know how relieved you would...
Dear Petrified College Senior,
Before I go any further, repeat after me: It’s all going...
Dear Sexual Abuse Survivor,
I don’t really like the word victim. Even survivor has a...
Dear Me,
I hope you have not changed. I hope you still have no regrets. I hope you still...
Dear Freshman Year,
Hi there.
It’s completely ridiculous how 8 months ago feels...
Dear People Who Take Selfies,
Hi. Okay. So. What’s a selfie? Oh, you know. It’s when you...
Dear Me,
I know you’re struggling and your heart is heavy. I want you to know it’s okay....