Broken Hearts

Years have passed, seasons have changed and so has our love for one another. Somewhere along the lines we got tangled up in so many different webs, we didn't realize the underlying truth that we were truly unhappy. I think both of us were in denial for a while. I remember the first day I met you. You made me believe that love at first sight was real. I was so infatuated with you, I would've done anything to be with you. And I did. I did everything for you. I probably spoiled you way more than you deserved but I never minded because I was so irrevocably in love with everything about you. You could have done anything and I would've thought it was the best thing in the world because YOU did it. I was blind sided by being 18 and finding what I thought was my first love. It wasn't...
When I saw you today I thought that I would feel sad or angry. The truth is that the smile I gave you was genuine. I am sorry for the relief I felt at your expence. I am sure that the sour look you had was because of the things he told you, just as he has told everyone else who will listen. I am not a bad person but I am looking forward to the peace. The peace that will come when the sad stories will be about you. I feel guilt in the pleasure that he is moving on to a new target. I can honestly say that his exited walk and giggle brought a feeling of hope when he knew I saw you. I am sorry you were used as an object to get back at me. Please forgive me for supporting your relationship. It really does break my heart that someone else has to expirence the rage and retaliation that the...
It’s going to be okay. “Blessed is she who has believed that what the LORD has said to her will be accomplished.” Luke 1:45 I love reading inspirational letters written by young women trying to encourage likeminded readers. I’ve read the be-patient-in-this-season-of-waiting letters, the enjoy-your-single-years-and-live-life-to-the-fullest letters, and even the how-to-heal-your-broken-heart-after-a-break-up letters. Don’t get me wrong, those are all great, and I’ve been moved to tears by more than one of them, but the reality is that none of those stories are my story, and I’m willing to bet there’s more of you out there who feel the same way. Between cheesy rom coms and trashy romance novels, we as young women have been conditioned to think it’s weird for us to be in our late...
Dear her, I have spent the past 48 hours in complete and total devastation over what your affair with my husband did to me and my kids. I have tried so hard to pray for peace but you have robbed me of that luxury because at this point I'm even angry with God for allowing this to happen. I've gone over things I would say to you or what would happen should I ever see you in person. You very much deserve to be knocked into next week, but that's not the example I want to set for my children. I've beaten myself up and picked myself apart for the past two days trying like hell to determine what made you better than me. I've cried, lost sleep, been unable to eat, cried more, and now I'm just mad. I'm currently overwhelmed with hate. What has been done to my family has forever changed me. I...
Dear C. You may think that I have moved on, just like you did. But for me, it's taking more than just a few days like it did for you. Because to me, we weren't just nothing. To me, everything I said meant something. And to me, you weren't just another game to play. To me, you were the first guy I trusted. You were the first guy I opened up to. And you were the first guy who changed me. I know we didn't spend that much time together. It was only a few months. But those few months were the most eventful months of my life. I felt like you opened me up to another world. An unknown world. Because I'm young and I didn't know what love feels like. I still don't. But you made me feel like I was about to find out. You made me feel like we could be something. You got me to break down my walls...
A Narcissists' New Years Wish..... A truly Happy New Year!!?? 43 now At least 35 years of waking up feeling anxious Of feeling let down by the first of many females....mother Of feeling frightened of anger...father But feeling such rage despite that fear? I am a victim, feel sorry for me please and I will play the victim some more It was a defence mechanism to begin .... Now a very sad way of life So feel sorry for me please, be there, offer support, kindness, love But I don't know how to give anything I won't try I know It sounds like madness .. At least 35 years of not being able to speak up Or have my own views, so I take other's and pretend they are mine I need to be the best... A perfectionist in the making I needed to prove my worth to
Don't. Seriously, just don't do it. I know it's easier said than done, but no matter how much you care about him, how secretive you two will be, or how good the sex is, you will regret it. You'll sit in your room wondering if there's a reason why he hasn't come to hang out with you yet today. You'll wonder if it's something you did or if he's just busy with his actual girlfriend. You'll wonder if he's done with you or if he's just not interested right now. You'll think to yourself that maybe you should hold out on him the next time he asks, just so he can see what it feels like. But despite this, you'll still give in the next time he comes looking for sex. You might do it because you feel lonely, because you just really enjoy it, or because you don't want him to think that you've...
I was like a puppet to you. You controlled me emotionally and mentally. You controlled my actions and feelings towards others. You alienated me from my friends, family, education, work, my true self. You turned me against the ones who were always there for me. The ones who saw the true you early on. The ones who I did not listen to because I loved you. You broke me, but you did not ruin me. Your manipulation is what kept me in the relationship. I was too blind, too in love, to see your real intentions. You threatened suicide multiple times just to keep me. You told me that no other guy would want me. I believed you. I wanted out so bad. It took three months to finally be free. Be free from you, from your power, from your manipulation, from your abuse. I felt like I had no voice....
Dear Neighbor I May Not Have Heard One Day; This is the happiest time of year, right? It is Christmas. It is the excitement of ending the old year, and the wonder of the year just starting. It is chock full of resolutions, dreams for the future, and a willingness to see more than what we have at the matter what that actually is. It is full of hope. It is during this holiday season that we become willing to give to others. We allow ourselves, if only for a brief moment, to feel sympathy and guilt towards the plight of people we don't even know. We wonder over misplaced children in the care system; we ponder the needs of the homeless and hungry; we consider the disabled and mentally challenged; we may even reach for our pocketbook and send a helpful cheque, or...
People say that the first year is the worst... It gets better with time... You'll move on... And I want to just scream at them until I have no voice left. Every year will be the worst. No it doesn't get better with time. It just becomes different in how I have to deal with things. And who the he'll are they to tell me that I will move on... So what if I never do! You were the absolute love of my life. The only person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I still feel robbed... I still question why... I still wonder how this plays into "God's plan" for me and our son. How could this be a part of any plan? Taking you from me and our son... REALLY? I'm still trying to come to terms with that. I know I never will, but I wish I could understand. I know they mean well, but it's not what...
