
When you used to share your life happenings to a person and you both suddenly cut the communication for some reasons. When at some moments you hate them, but then realized that life's too short to be full of hatred and it just give you hard time living. You might miss them, but it's just the idea you miss. You come to the point that you just wish them the best in life, happiness and genuine love. That's the sign that you're healing and you're taking care of yourself and letting things flow. And if someday you both meet each other, everything may change but the memories will be forever.
I received your postcard. I got the number written down. I called but you were not there. I was too busy to work and travel. I forgot to reply you. What a shame! I left your postcard behind on another continent. I regret it over and over again. I need to fly a night and two days to get it. I have to search among treasures. I wish I could and recalled those numbers. What a shame! I now feel guilty and regret. I am just a fool with deep wound inside. I wish I listened to Bermuda when it called. I just kept sailing away from it to see more. What a shame! I wish I could apologize to you for a fool of me. I wish I could show you the empty space in me. I wish I could see the joy in your beautiful soul.  I wish there will be another round from universe. I still have to...
Freedom is priceless. Its value is immeasurable, and one can truly appreciate the attributes of this gift, especially when not entangled in potentially toxic relationships. Over these seven years, I have been able to relish the joy of being single, dedicating myself to pursuing what truly interests me, and not having anyone around (especially from the category of narcissists and egocentrics) capable of draining every ounce of energy from me. Today, I celebrate my release from any responsibilities that God might have ever assigned to me concerning people who may have reached the point of praying to Him to feel better (probably "at my expense"). Apparently, I didn't come into this world for such things. Curiously, I don't feel disadvantaged at all for this reason. On the contrary, I feel...
Just because -I don’t get involved in conversations except it is my business. -I don’t do crowds /have big circle. -I don’t like crowded environment . -I prefer trees,water,air -I don’t go to some certain places/ do somethings 70% Of girls see as normal or cruise @ their youth. -I don’t depend on men for anything does not make me a ‘snub’ I love my space
These past few days has been so hard for me.. When pandemic happens, i struggled financially. I My heart has been broken and recently i lossed my job. Life sucks. I am shaken. I cannot help but to question God, why i am dealing with all of these. Am i that bad of a person? Why, why.. i dont have much friends that when then they have problems im there but now i am alone. I cant tell my family of my feelings. Sometimes i feel like i want to quit myself. I cant take this anymore. Im loosing
Hi! Today, tonight rather, I am doing my assignment in basic cal. It is HARD. But much more easier than the Practical Research. About our PR1, I am having a hard time on our Research Title Proposal. I don't know how to start, what to say, and what to put. And to add my boiling stress, we have a long quiz in Biology tomorrow. But that's fine since Bio is my fav Subject. Enough of my sentiments now, I just wanna know if are you okay? How are you? Did we graduated in college? Did we achieve our dreams? Do we have a lover already? Is he nice? Hope he is. How's our parents? Are they doing fine? Are they proud of what we've become? I hope the do. Gale 10 years from now, I hope that you are successful now, because I am striviving to become one. Hoping that I can survive this 2nd sem of being a...
I have felt every painful emotion there is. This time around it’s been different, betrayal, disbelief, and confusion surrounding everyone I love. I hope you read this and I mean every word, maybe you’ll even believe me for once. (Also this is my pov on this) not that any of you have asked. July : I saw him, he was riding his bike over the beach bridge and boy have I liked him for a while. There was something about him, he was quiet and kept to himself, I had to know more about him. We started talking and I felt different around him, somewhat safe. August: We are dating! Sure he doesn’t take me out on dates or do much but he’s nice and I’ll take it. At this point I’m sooo into this boy I had opened up ab stuff and school was starting. This seemingly sweet boy was “perfect...
Olá a todos. São 07:57 (em Belém, PA, Brasil) enquanto eu escrevo isso, e faz mais ou menos uma hora que eu recebi a triste notícia do falecimento da minha querida prima. Foi quase um ano de luta com ela, que começou em fevereiro, com dores renais, até hoje, uma insuficiência respiratória. O dia começou chuvoso, já antecipando o que estava por vir. Hoje não há condições de eu comparecer aos servidores que eu frequento no Discord, e por isso peço perdão a todos. Um bom dia e um bom domingo. _________________ Hello everybody. It's 7:57 am (in Belém, PA, Brazil) as I write this, and it's been about an hour since I received the sad news of my dear cousin's passing. It was almost a year of struggle with her, which started in February, with kidney pain, until today,...
After months of dealing with the pain, I have come to the realization that most of what I felt is due to the fact that the person I once loved doesn't exist at all. You are an illusion. An idea I created in my mind based on what you try to portray. I believed you, I trusted you and in the end, I got betrayed. But that's ok inspite of all the sufferings. I know God loves me for finally getting rid you out of my life. Because he knows how you are a disaster who wants me to tolerate all the things that you have done even if it's so wrong. Funny how you easily escaped everything and come out clean like you never make someone suffer, like you are the victim. And truth be told, how you try to paint all the wrong things you did with rose colored lies. You can act all good for now, keep on...
I thought for a long time before writing this letter, and I almost didn't want to. We don't know each other, but you could never imagine how much you have done for me just by existing. I have never seen even one episode of Game of Thrones, yet I can safely call myself "another fish caught in your net." This is also because I have seen all the films in the Terminator Saga. In fact, I am one of those people in the world who can claim to know about the existence of Game of Thrones because of Emilia Clarke and not vice versa. Yes, because you, Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke, are capable of becoming like an irresistible drug to anyone who even casually crosses your facial lineaments. This is nothing. Not only are you beautiful and you have rightly been voted the sexiest woman on the...
