Broken Hearts

I'm not really even sure where to start. It's been 13 years. I turn 18 in two weeks and I wish more then anything that you could be here to send me off into the scary life of adulthood. I was too young at the time to completely understand what happened, but when dad sat me and veronica down and told us that you had been in an accident and you wouldn't be coming back again, I just sat in confusion as to how someone I spent everyday (basically attached by the hip) with, wouldn't ever be coming back. At your funeral I still was confused, Even after seeing you in that casket I couldn't grasp the fact that that was you. So many people showed up to your funeral, I didn't even think someone could know so many people. I'm often reminded of that day vividly, whenever I smell flowers every emotion...
Two strangers, never met before, never seen each other, and a series of very very personal questions.
Dear Ex, I know it's been a while... so much has happened in my life since we last spoke. I'm sure the same can be said for you. Life has been good to me as I hope it has been to you. Living without unnecessary burdens has helped tremendously. Life is hard enough, why should it be made any harder? I could preface this letter with some sophisticated segue, but I'll just cut to the chase and say how good things have been since our split... that's actually an understatement and I'll be honest when I say it didn't happen without a lot of pain and recovery from the emotional trauma you inflicted. Yes I said it; that you inflicted. I came to 2 realizations over the past year. The first of which was... it was mostly your fault. That may be impossible for you to want to accept... but I assure...
Dear you, Its so painful to know that you are the only one who are in love to someone. Someone that never become yours, someone that you cannot call mine, someone that you never had a chance to be together, someone that you love from far even though his is to close to you. Just walk up in the middle of my the night. All I can here is a loud cry coming from someone that feels hurt and that are in so much pain, someone that is so familiar to me. I search for it, everywhere, I looked around the room even though it was so dark inside I tried to look for that someone who cried so loud and then I stop, I tried to calm myself and then, I begun to start to hear again the voice, the voice was so loud and I can really feel the pain that he is going through. I touched him even though I cant...
To start off, I would like to give my apologies for this sad event, for I know my love ones will be sadden maybe to go a bit further to say disappointed. Momma, you may even say I’m selfish for the decision I have made, and I feel as if I cannot disagree for maybe I am. To be completely honest I know my life has been short lived, I cannot continue with this enduring pain. For my heart has been broken for it seems as if time cannot fix this deepening pain. It has been half a year and I still cannot go a night without tears running down my cheeks; I miss her and know I will never find a love as true; to me she was my life and to lose her I know I can no longer deal with the pain. I feel as if I have no one to express these feelings to anymore for I have told you all before, but now my...
There once a time where we would spend all afternoon laying in bed together talking about everything; ranging from our problems to the things we dreamed of doing with our lives. You always had a way of making me laugh to the point I was in tears; everyday I fell more in love with you. You were my everything and I couldn't imagine spending a day without you. We were eachother's support systems until that day he came along. You met him through one of your co-workers; I was happy for you I wanted you to have friends, and a life outside of me. But then you started to change.. you started to drink and keep secrets from me. I confronted you about it and you assured me everything was okay, and convinced me I was over reacting. I convinced myself that I was in the wrong, and that you wouldn't...
It’s been ten days since my mom died. I have lived for ten entire days without her. I am sure the feeling of grief will change over time— but here are ten things that have happened within the first ten days of losing her. 1. Grief comes in unexpected, different-sized waves. Sometimes the grief is huge, like a tidal wave that completely knocks me over. Usually, I save these moments for when I’m completely alone, and I can let my body properly convulse while struggling to catch my breath. Other times, the grief is only a small tide washing up on the beach, barely touching the ends of my toes. It nibbles at me and begs me to give in, but usually, I can resist. The surfer-sized waves, you know, that are just big enough to catch a wave, hit me randomly, and usually pass with just a few...
Every time I try to let go, I end up pulling it back. I hate it each time I can't resist your face. All I see is the beauty of you. The stardust magic on a slow moving scenery that never fails to stun my eyes. Two, three, until all of our fingers crossed left me with unexplainable blank thoughts. As the ticking clock will soon brutally kill the moments of time. I hate it every time I can say "I'm okay without thoughts of you" and end up longing to feel you. I spent a lot of sleep nights thinking of nothingness beside you. The illusion ends as the sunrise awakes me about reality. I cannot own any piece of you not even a bit of your tainted heart. I hate myself for putting my purest love for someone like you. At times, I wished I never did. If I could, I will turn back to the day...
Hi you, I doubt you would ever find this letter. But if you do, I hope you get that feeling that you know this is especially for you. Thank you for breaking me. Thank you for showing me what love isn't meant to feel like. You showed me that love shouldn't feel like you are alone constantly. Do you understand how horrible you made me feel near the end? I thought I had done something to you so I kept trying to keep you happy. And it worked. It's just that that happiness was only given to one person, and I was left with the dust and crumbs. You were the one that said "I love you" first. I remember how you said it as well. We planned a future together soon after those words were spoken. Where we would move, what type of furniture would be in the living room, how many children we...
Dear bikers, You don’t know who I am and you probably don’t remember my dog, but I will always remember you. It’s been a month and the 30-foot tire marks are still burned onto the pavement in front of the driveway where you ran down an 18-month-old puppy like it was some sort of game. Jinx would not be most people’s first guess for a seizure alert dog. But she instinctually knew when I had seizures coming on. Jinx was the only thing stabilizing my seizures. My seizures are not the obvious kind. I do not get the stereotypical convulsions which makes them much harder to detect. She had me diagnosed long before I even had a clue I was getting them. She would come check on me every 2 hours like clockwork and she would snap me out of seizures by licking me. No one asked her to do it or...
