Broken Hearts

To the man who I believed in . The man in tears, that I brought back to strength. To the boy who everyone turned his back on . To the boy that before my eyes became a man , a man for me . Someone who saw through my flaws and loved me " flawlessly " To the man that after time , saw my flaws and decided to use them against me . Didn't you know that words hurt? Didn't you know that I loved you ? Didn't you see that I'd do anything for you? I did everything for you. I'd do anything for you. Even before that night . I always said this wasn't my first rodeo. I knew. Was I so desperate and eager to love? To find someone for me ? To prove that I don't have to be alone ? You promised all these things , a whole different ballgame. You got down on your knees and promised me. Do you remember the...
Dear @lionessmane1*** I don’t even know your name, not that I wish to know. You came in at a low point of our relationship. I know you tried to play a twenty something mind game with me so I would break up with my partner. I want to thank you. What you did was a kick in the ass and I realized how distant I’ve become from my partner. We’re being proactive as a couple now and getting the help we need and want. I couldn’t ask for a better situation. I know he has not spoken to you since the day I found out about you two. He has blocked you from every social media outlet and the phone. Well, let me give you a lesson in love. Never get involved with someone who isn’t free. The chance of the cheater leaving the other woman are slim to none. And A just told me that me that...
Dearest Self, I’m so sorry if I am controlling you. I’m so sorry if I control your happiness. I’m just afraid this is just for a while because you’re still not over with you past. I’m so sorry if I forbid you to be too sweet, thoughtful and caring. I just don’t want him to hope for something you can’t take responsibility. I’m so sorry if I don’t want you to ask and get to know him more. I know how fragile you are and you might develop something that your system can’t handle. I’m so sorry if I can’t let you get mad. As you know, you have no right. I’m so sorry if you cannot demand. It would be too bad of you to abuse his feelings. I’m so sorry if I want you to hide your thoughts and emotions. I just believe, things need to be left unspoken to make it in control. And, I’m so...
Dear reader. I hope this letter reaches all who are in a place of emergency care for those suffering a mental health crisis A Suicidal Patient does not ever go through the hassle of visiting A...
I guess now is the time for me to let it out because Lord knows you haven't been listening to me in years and it is about time you did! I don't really know why you married Tom when you know what he did to me and Dawn or wait did you know at all what he did to both of us? All you ever have known about who I am is what he tells you! I bet he was never honest with you about me and I know he wasn't about her either! But i will stick to what he did to me so it goes! He told you our marriage went south because of me and that is lie number one! He was abusive and he beat me down so badly and yet I stayed anyway! You know why I loved him it is that simple! The marriage wore me down so badly that i ended up suicidal 2 months after our son was born! He drove me to going into the hospital and...
I want to know how someone wakes up one day and suddenly discards the moments and laughter they had shared. How did you decide you were done loving? How did you share pieces of yourself to me...only to leave me behind?
Dear You, I never thought I would be the person to end up resorting to something like this. I saw myself as the strong one. Boy was I wrong. You broke me. And for that I must say I love you. You broke my down to nothing and built me back up again to the person I have always wanted to be. When we broke up it sent a shock through me, through my life. I always knew the possibility of it was there but I continued to tell myself that this was forever. When it first happened I resented you. How could you hurt me? After everything we went through after everything that we spent time building together, how could you hurt me? After the countless nights filled with memories and all the inside jokes and late night car rides, how could you hurt me? You said things like, it doesn't feel the...
Hi, I genuinely hope you are doing well and although we don’t speak to each other you tend to cross my mind a fair amount. I’ll never forget our relationship, you were my first true love and I feel like I have to thank you. I want to thank you for allowing me to fall in love with you, for being my shoulder to cry on when I was being dramatic, for always watching the football with me, for giving me advice knowing that I probably wouldn’t listen, for being my best friend and finally, I want to thank you for leaving me. I know when we broke up I was full of anger, full of hate. I didn’t understand how we couldn’t just “fix” things, I want you to be around forever. I lay in my bed and I cried for days, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep and this was all because I knew you were no longer by my...
Reeva Steenkamp, your daughter was described extensively in the media since her death. There was Reeva the brunette teenager, the law graduate, linguist and feminist, then importantly also described being a devout Christian who was due to deliver a speech against gender violence on the day she died. Then there was Reeva the sexy blonde model, a cover girl, a girl who loved fast cars and who thrived in the lime light. On Twitter she described herself as “SA Model, Cover Girl, Tropika Island of Treasure Celeb Contestant, Law Graduate, Child of God”. Mrs Steenkamp, you decided to hang onto Reeva the devout Christian girl who was blameless and pure, a young woman who did everything life offered her but still took her Christianity seriously. Quite the coincidence that Oscar agrees with you...
"No Legacy is as rich as honesty." Stranger, It's time you know the truth about us. It's time I stop making you wonder what the hell happened and just lay it out on the line for you. Even if it means a permanent Goodbye. If you want names of the people who contributed, that's not happening. They have nothing to do with it, these are my mistakes. Let's begin at the tail end of Senior year; I swear, I thought you were molded specifically for me. It didn't matter where we were, what we were doing, as long as I was with you it didn't matter. Yes, I was a pain in the ass. I was overdramatic, pessimistic and an absolute idiot at times. But you somehow put up with every little thing I did without any complaints (kinda). I would talk to my friends about...
