
An open letter to my boys. To my eldest. You were my firstborn, the first time I experienced true love and the first time I felt real fear. I loved you from the moment I found out I was carrying you, and When I pushed you into this world that love multiplied to an amount I could never had imagined before. I swore to love you unconditionally, to give you the world and to never let any body hurt you. I'd like to be able to say I've kept those promises but you and I both know I've failed on the latter two. I do however love you unconditionally , I hope you see that. I was young when I had you, naive, and definitely immature. You helped me grow in ways I didn't know were possible. You challenged me and pushed me and highlighted my limits, you also taught me there was no limit to a...
Dear BM, You have hurt my daughter so many times, from using her as a pawn, to letting terrible people into her life, to abandoning her. You constantly run your mouth about me, but you have no right! I've been loving your daughter since she was 2 years old and the sad thing is I've been involved in her life longer than you have now. I wanted to tell you, YOU are missing out. You thought when you had to take care of her you were missing out on partying so you pawned her off on your parents refusing to give us rights, but you were wrong. You are missing out now, on all the amazing things that MY daughter is. And I'm sad for her, I'm sad that she wishes you wanted her. I'm sad that she cries and asks why you don't like her. I'm sad that no matter how shitty of a person you are toward her...
There's no words that can describe how fortunate I am to be your daughter. You raised and took care of me like a princess. You did everything for me, that you washed even my stained underwear because I didn't know how to do it on my own and you continuously doing it since then. How you spoiled me because I grew up not knowing how to iron and wash clothes. Even when you're sick, you still get up and do all those things and you will just instruct me to do the things that you know I can. When I told you i want to explore more things and work abroad, you were the first one who encourage me. You respected and supported my decision and that was the first time that Ill be away from home. That I need to stand on my own and be responsible enough to take care of myself. And I thank you for giving...
Bheero, 2 years ago. 7:57 pm. Emergency C-Section after hours and hours of hard labor and even harder pregnancy. Bheero, you’ve been giving me hell since before you were even born, and I wouldn’t change you for anything. You came into my life like Master Shifu and unleashed the powers in me,the strength to grow you up the strength to be your Mumma. The last two years has been an amazing journey for us. From staying alone without papa to be a papas boy as soon as you were back living with Papa. I still remember your mouse like sneek as soon as you were born! Havent seen your papa so restless before,Honey Mumma was so excited that she clicked you the very first moment she saw you. You made Dida travel all alone for the first time and Dadu he flew down from office as he couldn’t hold back...
on this day i am writing this after i have personally had to call the cops on you now twice for violence. once today. once 3 months ago. many calls that were never made, that should have been. on a day that was suppose to be nerve wrecking and exciting, but you must have had a bad day and decided to take it verbally out on mom. for no reason, per usual. i was listing and looking to make sure mom was ok. and that turned into my problem too. but wait, it's always my fault isn't it? that's what you always tell me. the problems that you bring on yourself. from cheating on mom for countless years, to stealing and lying your way through jobs. saying you work harder then anyone you know, of course, because all you do is talk about yourself, and make everything about you. but you...
Let me start this off by saying i love you... i really do. You probably now choose not to believe that because for once i did not come running to your rescue. For once i allowed you to sit in the mess you had made and find your own way out of it without me. And you did, but not by your own cost of course.. No that would be to logical. You manipulated another sweet soul to bail you out of trouble this time. Someone i also love and have tremendous respect for. I just hope he doesnt get hurt by you again in this process. You will probably tell everyone how horrible i am and how i turned my back on you and maybe people will believe you. Correction, maybe people who dont know me will believe you. But as far as our family and most of your friends they will look at it for what it is. That i...
An open 'Thank You' letter to the abusive man my mother married. "Step dad" Dear step dad, I am 21 years old and I am still afraid of you. Not that fear of disappointing a parent. It's a fear that you have because of someone being so unpredictable you feel unsafe. Even with my husband to protect me, when I see you I still feel the hair on my neck stand straight up. I still to this day have nightmares of you beating me. I always wondered why you married a woman with three children just to abuse them. I didn't understand when you would say "I love you." I didn't know much about love but I knew it wasn't supposed to hurt. As I got older punishments became more harsh and physical "discipline" was more painful and excessive. I tried to be perfect, make you proud of me. But all...
Growing up, I never knew why I was treated differently by my mom's side. I always thought it was that whole "tough love" concept but I found it extremely odd that they treated my older brother like a saint, and shit. I would cry hysterically because they treated me so poorly. My poor mother failed to see the damage they did to me. While I can't blame her entirely, I would have liked a bit of more support. Her family is the type of family that if you stood up for yourself, you'd be shunned. So..I guess I was shunned. One incident that stood out from the others was the time I went to homecoming for the first time. I was SO excited and felt like a rockstar. Before my mom dropped us off at the dance, she made us stop at my dad's side, which I didn't mind. Then she pulled...
Father, Ever since I moved in with you, you have caused me nothing but sadness. It was not my choice to move in with you, it was the courts. I am now 15, trying as hard as I can. My heart aches because of the sadness inside creeping, and lingering in me. I have tried to make sense of why you have not shown me the love that I deserve. I have told you many times of my mental issues, and looked me in the eye and told me that you didn't see a mental issue. I was broken when you told me that. I was surprised. Of all the referrals my school has made to you. Of the times Grandma had to come and get me from school because I couldnt do it anymore. I sometimes understand why you're mean, and vulgar. It's the drinking, it's the ten bottles of Busch you down each night. It's the withdraw in...
I remember when I was little I would fly with my mother from Vermont to kentucky/Indiana once or twice a year. Those were the happiest and most exciting times of the year for me. I would get to see my great big huge family that I didn't get to see but a week or two out of the year. All my cousins, aunt and uncles, and you and gram. I knew my entire family loved me but I really knew you guys loved me. When you would look at me I could see a shine in your eye, a special sparkle that was just for me. Other grandchildren had sparkles too but this one was just for me, I knew it. When you hugged me I could literally feel the warmth and love jump from your body to mine. I always dreamed one day I would live closer, and see the family that loves me so much all the time. Then this past Christmas...
