
To our daughter, When your teenage kids begin to date it can be a very difficult thing for parents to accept. On the one hand you want them to experience the positives of a relationship and even finding love, but you also want to protect them from the pitfalls and heartbreak of the bad ones. As a parent our feelings might tend to border on the more protective, after all it isn't that difficult to guess what the majority of young boys are after...and girls too nowadays. But to ignore both the possible good and bad sides of discussing relationships and sex with your teenagers is something that should be avoided at all costs, no matter how awkward you may feel it is. After all, the more we are open about these things, the more likely they are to respond positively to your advice and...
At ICBC, we know we have a great responsibility to British Columbians and you rightfully expect high-quality service and insurance coverage from us. We also know your main concern is how much you pay for your insurance. That’s why we want to let you know about our requirement to file an application today for a basic insurance rate increase with the British Columbia Utilities Commission, our first application since late 2011. We are also able to reduce our optional rates which will lessen the impact on our customers. As a result, about 80 per cent of customers – those who purchase their full personal vehicle insurance with ICBC – will see an average increase of less than a dollar a month. We don’t, however, believe it would be right to ask our customers – many of whom are...
Dear Family, I am sorry to hear about your loss. Unfortunately there was no reason to include me in your loss, especially not when you don't seem capable of ringing me or emailing me, but instead try to contact me through a messenger site with contact details I never gave you. But that is pretty typical. Back when we used to play happy families, I remember my sister texting me the news of our Aunt's death. I am not sure why you contacted me. I do not know how you had contact details that you had no right to, and wiped my face in that, just as you did a while ago by adding me on Facebook. Is there something wrong with you? Well yes, you all have alcohol and mental health problems, but that is beside the point, I do not do as you do and use a label like "Mental illness...
Dear Family, I am sorry to hear about your loss. Unfortunately there was no reason to include me in your loss, especially not when you don't seem capable of ringing me or emailing me, but instead try to contact me through a messenger site with contact details I never gave you. But that is pretty typical. Back when we used to play happy families, I remember my sister texting me the news of our Aunt's death. I am not sure why you contacted me. I do not know how you had contact details that you had no right to, and wiped my face in that, just as you did a while ago by adding me on facebook. Is there something wrong with you? Well yes, you all have alcohol and mental health problems, but that is beside the point, I do not do as you do and use a label like 'Mental illness' to shun...
Dear "husband," I've always wanted to be married. But I've always said that I only want one marriage. That when I finally do get married, it's forever. All my friends in high school got married to their sweethearts or someone worthy of them. Someone who treats them like they are worth EVERYTHING. I was "engaged" twice, but they were far from worthy of me. Both were abusive. Then I found the strength in myself and loved and lived my life. Dated. Went out with girlfriends. Then met you. You were dating a friend of mine, and we hung out as friends, but she ended up doing you way dirty. She cheated on you the day you left to go home. And called you the next day to tell you and break up with you. I continued being your friend because you were cool and nice and didn't deserve that. I told...
Aunt S, I’m writing you this letter to share with you my frustrations about our family’s current situation. Now I may not be involved in everything, but everything that goes on is effecting me in some way. Being the oldest daughter in my immediate house hold, I am privy to much of the details when it comes to what is happening. The reason for my knowledge is because my mother (your sister) is doing most of the arrangements and decision making alongside with my other Aunt (your other sister). You’re probably wondering why I know more than you, well it’s simple, I’m around and you’re not. Now I asked myself the question why that is, my conclusion, you couldn't be. Where were you when grandma fell the three times she did, not here. Where were you when both your sisters were taking care of...
Let me start by saying i'm not perfect. Far from it. But i feel the meaning of family should be quite clear to most of us by the time we reach maturity. It should mean the people who you call family are supportive, caring, nurturing and kind. That they respect you, should you respect them. I've always been the 'black sheep' in a way, sometimes feeling like an outcast in this herd of strangers. Perhaps that is somewhat my own fault, as i've always been fiercely independent and never asked for much. My mother tells me all the time that i don't 'need' her, and maybe i should have let her feel needed more often. However, she happens to be one of those lovely and popular people who will do you the tiniest of favors and then spend the next ten to fifteen years making you feel guilty for it...
