Love Letters

Sometimes, I really miss you. Actually, I realized I just miss the thought of you. What I imagined we'd become and how much I saw a future for us. It hurts when I think about it. For months, I actually cried. I couldn't believe what we had was actually over with. I tried to search every part of my mind, looking for what I did wrong and asking myself why forever wasn't actually that long. Soon, I realized you weren't good for me and our departure was meant to set us both free. I needed to be free from the pain and destruction. You needed to be free from the hurt. You tried to break me. You almost did. I almost lost myself in you and all of our madness. Sometimes people say we should have already seen the signs and maybe we did, but just pretended to be blind. Either way we're through...
I am writing this letter to one beautiful and amazing person in my life. To the one who never fails to make me smile. And even though we quarrel sometimes and have those little fights, we can never stay upset with one another. Because we're just that good. I want to take this opportunity to say how amazing you are. Smart, pretty, faithful, loving. You're not perfect, but you manage to look perfect to others, to me. They always tease how small you are, but whenever I see that, all I can think of is that your head will be close to my heart when I hug you. I wish I could. Just hold you in my arms and hug you. Take all that stress away. Take all those tears away. And take away all the pain you're still feeling up to this very day. You don't deserve to be hurt. You always tell me how...
Hi! I don't know if you'd be able to read this. I don't intend this to be the reason for us to be back together or whatever. I just want this chapter of my life to be in peace. I met you last year in a coffee shop. You were wearing a purple hoodie, shorts and with you is big ass backpack. I didn't know what made me go all the way to the north at midnight bringing with me ChickenJoy. You were silent and I thought you were not interested with me. So I started talking about random stuff just to get your attention and I tell you I fell in love with when you started talking. You don't know how incredibly amazing you are. Days passed and we went out on dates finally my first date after 2 years. I can't believe I can do it again after my last heartbeat. You made me believe in things I...
MASAYA NGA BA AKO? Pero bakit hindi yata totoo? O baka pilit ko lang ipinaparamdam sa sarili ko, na masaya ako, na ayos lang ang lahat, kahit na hindi, ganon na ba talaga ako kagaling gumamit ng defense mechanism? Bakit di ako makaalis? Bakit di ako makawala? Pinipilit kong iwaksi ang kadena na nakatali sa akin pero hindi ko magawa, hindi ko kaya. Pagod na pagod na ko sa set up na to. Gusto kong maging malaya pero bakit pilit ipinagkakait sa akin? Di ako makahinga. Di ako makagalaw. Sugatan na ang sentro ng pagkatao ko. Walang pang-uri ang kayang magpaliwanag ng nararamdaman ko. Paulit ulit na naglalaro sa isipan ko ang mga salitang ito. Bakit ba ako nabubuhay sa nakaraan mo? Bakit pakiramdam ko ang lapit lapit niyo pa rin sa isa’t isa, kahit ako na ang nasa tabi mo? Bakit pakiramdam...
The Madness of Being In-love Alone Generally, we want a fairy tale kind of love story. A princess with a prince, a kiss that can break the curse, the belief on love at first sight, and even the first love never dies. We want to love and be reciprocated with love. We enjoy the feeling of loving someone and be loved by someone but what if your kind of love is like mine? One sided. Five years ago, I felt what love is. The feeling of love is ecstatic. The spark is real. She completes my day with just her existence. I appreciate every piece of her. Her hair, eyes, smile, and voice are perfect. The way she walk and talk is so classy. I can and cannot do things in front of her. I am inspired and motivated until she broke me. I love you but you cannot love me back. You said, you don't...
Years ago, I started liking how you project yourself in front of the crowd with class and eloquence. Your grace sets you apart from the tradition of what teachers look like. Every day was a moment to look forward to. Generally, I do well in school but my class with you was different. I came to value compliments for having the highest score or reading my name in a certificate. Months passed and I get to know you. Our small talks under the mango tree made me felt something else. Your philosophy in life especially as an educator amazed me. I realized that you’re not just the hard to find beauty and brain. You also have a heart, a fragile heart that no one dares to see. You are the kind of woman who knows what she wants and how to do it, immediately. Your advocacy as an educator was one of a...
Pete, Your face flashes through my mind. Your eyes, your smile, the way you looked at me…these thoughts won’t go away. Then come the feelings. Feelings of hope, love, excitement. Abruptly the feelings dissipate and are replaced with sadness, grief, and an awful dull burning persists in the pit of my stomach…knowing I was wrong and wishing I knew then what I understand now. The days pass by, but the thoughts and feelings are so poignant, it’s as if it was just yesterday. I understand now, I see. You were the first man who truly loved me, and I didn’t see it…I didn’t understand, because I didn’t know what love was. I screwed it up, I screwed everything up. I thought you were like the rest, that you only wanted me for one thing. I was wrong. You did love me, and now that I know...
April 12, 2017 Dear Brett, Rumor has it that you’re single. And looking. Hard. Coincidentally, I am also single…but I’m not looking. However, the stars seemed to align in such a way that compelled me to write you anyway, because, hey, you’re Brett Eldredge. See, when “I Wanna Be That Song” started playing regularly on my local country station a few months ago (shout out to @SeattleWolf), I was intrigued. After a few listens I found myself hoping it would play every time I got in the car, because, damn, your voice is a rugged kind of sexy. Especially in that song. Talk about making a woman swoon. It was then that I learned the name Brett Eldredge. Turns out you had other songs on the radio that I had also always liked, but, I’ll be honest, it wasn’t until “I Wanna Be That Song”...
Dear the guy i am not giving up on, Everyday people give up on the ones they care about. They give up on them for different reasons like they can't get through to them, they can't get the person to open up. Those people don't give it enough time. You can't expect someone to spill their whole life and past out to you in one night. They've had a troubled past and they hate talking about it, so how exactly do you get through to them? Time, give them time and a lot of it and don't ever give up on them. I'm never giving up on you. No matter how long it takes to show you that I am never leaving your side. I told you I would always be there for you and I mean it. No matter how hard your life gets I will always be here. I don't expect you to tell me everything about your past...
To the first boy I have loved... I never expected us to ever get together. You came back into my life after 6 years and I instantly knew that something good would come from it. You have changed my life in these past few months; you've challenged me in all the best ways, removed me from my comfort zone and introduced me to your world of color. You truly are the best thing that has happened to me in six years. You went from being my goofy friend, to being this boy that consumes my thoughts. For the first time in my life, I was afraid to fall in love - but you made it so easy for me. You have been nothing but genuine. I love how you try everyday to convince me that not every man is like my father; and that your intentions are pure. It must be because you are going through...
