Love Letters

so I have a weak spot for you, if that wasn't obvious already. I still wake up every morning ignoring the reality of us actually being "together" it was just so unreal, it happened so fast. I"ll never forget the way your lips came apart as you spoke the words that I had waited to hear from you for so long "let's make this official" if I could only explain to you in this letter how good it felt to finally get what I had wanted for so long. It was so perfect, you where so perfect. I"ll never forget consistently staying up with you all hours of the night for weeks straight, it was just you. You had me. And that was the scariest fucking thing in the world. remember our conversation by the pool? After a drink or two we started talking, one of our rather more serious of the conversations that...
It's been 4 days simula nung sinabe mo na "Tapusin na lang na'ten kung anong meron sa ating dalawa kasi mas lalo mo lang akong masasaktan pag pinatagal pa natin." Lutang ako, di ko alam kung bakit. Kung anong dahilan bakit bigla mo na lang akong ginive-up kase inaayos naman na naten kung anong mga nangyare nung nakaraan pero mas pinili mo pa'din sila, siya ... kesa sa'ken. Nakakalungkot lang isipin kasi sa kabila ng lahat ng pakikipaglaban ko para sa relasyon naten, pero bakit ganun mo na lang kadaling itapon lahat. Hanggang sa paghihiwalay naten puro pa'din pala kasinungalingan lahat ng sinabe mo sa'ken. Paulit-ulit kong tanong sa sarili, "Is this what I deserve after giving everything for your family, for your friends especially for us?" Miss na kita. :-( Naninibago ako sa lahat ng...
We never said goodbye to each other. I always left your house at 1am with a little wave and a "see you soon", and we always made good on that promise. I always knew that I'd see you within the week, so I didn't need to say goodbye. It was one of my favorite things about our friendship. But then it was time for me to leave for the month. Your goodbye was the one I dreaded most because I didn't know how I would get through my weeks without your stupid jokes and lovely conversation. Somewhere in our friendship I fell in love with you, and I thought saying goodbye would break my heart. But your goodbye was the best. Your goodbye made me love you even more. It was midnight. I had to leave town early the next morning, and everyone else had already left. You gave me a speech about how we'd...
I am one of the girls out there who is still stuck in the idea of true love. Often times I caught myself asking the same questions again and again such as “How will I know if it’s true love?”, “How does it feel when you already met ‘the one’?”, “Is there really someone destined for me?”. Questions like these are frequently popping up inside my head. But none of these has been answered. I believe every girl has her ideal guy. Of course, I also have an ideal boyfriend. A boyfriend who got all the qualifications I want and a boyfriend who will stay for the rest of my life. I’ve always been dreaming of having a boyfriend close to perfection. And whenever someone enters my life not having these characteristics, I’d presume he’s not the one for me. I've been wandering in a place called Cloud...
It wasn't yesterday that you kissed me, but you kissed me in my dream yesterday. The dream was so vivid, a kaleidoscope of teasing brushes and your pair of bright blue eyes, peeking out from a tuft of blond hair. But this morning, when the wind snapped outside my window and tore me out of my dream, I found myself on the other side of the kaleidoscope. Even my frantically clawing hands couldn't hold the memories, which slipped away with the breeze. I know I am young, you are young, and our lives are long. All my friends have dated, date, and will date dozens of beautiful people. And I would be a bitter liar if I didn't reveal my immense jealousy when my friend since birth picks up another gorgeous girl, his third in a month. But I just want you to know that I won't forget....
You’re one of my best friends in the world. I couldn’t imagine my life without our long talks and our little jokes, but, somewhere along the way, I fell for you. Hard. And here is an attempted explanation of the progression of my feelings. You Made Me Laugh You’re one of the funniest people I’ve ever met, and that’s what drew me to you. You crack little jokes and say silly things that just make me die laughing. You listened I talked for hours, and you listened. Who does that? Who lets me rant about school and friends and life and fears until really late at night? You. You always listen. You are my voice of reason when I don’t have one. You are my listening ear when I need one. You Were Real You put on a show. You want to be liked, but the time I like you best is when you’...
Dear you, You know who you are. Or at least I'd hope you would after almost a year and a half. I'm writing this letter to express my feelings of complete serenity when I'm with you, how it feels like we are the only two people on this planet when it's late at night, and many, many more emotions. Where do I even start? Actually, I have an idea. Let's start at the very beginning. I had no idea when I met you that you would become this important to me. I remember being the shy, small girl that would follow you around school but never say anything because I was too scared to talk. I always had "big moon eyes" as you put them. Thankfully, you started most of the conversations. How mesmerized I was by the fact that someone as intelligent and creative and sweet as you could take interest...
I shared my little secret with two people today because I felt I would explode if I didn't. Because they both asked me the same question on two different occasions: "Do you love XXXX?" I couldn't answer before but now I could. They know. You don't. I can't bring myself to do it just yet. Funny enough, they both said the same thing. "Oh, they feel the same way." I asked how they could know because the last time, I completely deluded myself into believing the last person reciprocated my love. I was so wrong about the whole thing the entire time. All they could say was "This kind of thing, it usually is mutual. When it's real, that is." I don't know what to think, however. You told me last week you don't love me. I didn't ask that and I don't really know how that subject...
From the moment I met you I knew I loved you. I'm glad that after the manipulation that was my previous relationship, I found you. You love me for me. You accept me for all of the weird and cute things I do. Every day I wake up and think of you. I know that we're young, but that's what makes this great. It's fun yet serious. We're not like the other opinionated people of our generation. We don't worry about what other people think. From the awkward first dance, to the first kiss, to the amazing cuddle sessions, and the makeout sessions, and everything else in between this relationship is everything I wanted and more. I'm so blessed to have you in my life, and that sounds weird because I haven't been very religious lately. Anyway, I love you. I will always love you. I can't wait for the...
It occurred to me not more than a few hours ago, that I am in love with you. In spite of all of my troubles with life happening and untangling it all, I did. It came at such a funny moment. Washing my dishes. But that's when epiphanies usually occur. When I'm cleaning. My version of therapy. We've known each other almost six months but really been together for almost a month and a half. And I made a promise to myself this time around when I knew just where my feelings were headed. This time, I would be absolutely sure before I said anything to someone. Because the last time, it went horribly awry and I was never more wrong about a person than I was about him. I didn't really love him, either. I loved some version of someone I thought I could save. I watched him set our...
