
Dear FeedBurner, Let me start by saying I love your service. Of course I have no choice. There are no alternatives. But really, I do love your service. I find it looks nice, is easy to use, and mostly gives me what I need. The main issues I have are in the area of your email service. Here are some things I think would make FeedBurner really rock: Email frequency – Allow the blogger or subscriber to set email frequency. You already combine multiple posts into a digest which is great, just allow us to set daily, weekly, etc. Many of the people who unsubscribe from my blog do so because once a day is too often. Broken Opt-ins – Thousands of people have not confirmed their email at any one time. What can we do about this? I email non-confirmed subscribers manually. Can you make...
Dear Mr Yates, It is with great interest that I have followed the debate that started with the Massachusetts decision to only exchange data with other parties in an open format, namely Open Document. I must say that personally I find the reasoning behind the decision to be sound, but I fully support your right to disagree with this sentiment. In your rather long, and doubtlessly well researched, reply to the declaration, you make many points which I will not address here, since others, better suited than me, have already done so. There is, however, one point where I feel that you have been gravely misinformed by your research staff. That point is the following. On page 7, and continuing on page 8 you write: The draft policy identifies four products that support the...
Dear Radiohead, You sly devils. You almost pulled the wool over our eyes. As I write this, I’m listening to your new album, “The King of Limbs,” and the atmospherics, Thom Yorke’s moaned lyrics, the vague but omnipresent sense of gloom—where have we heard all this before? Of course! They’re all present in increasing amounts in everything Radiohead has ever released. Now, there are a lot of critics out there who will say that “The King of Limbs” furthers the artistic reach of “In Rainbows.” They’ll applaud your singular virtuosity of mournful expression, deconstruct your deconstruction of alternative music as we know it. And these people will play straight into your hands. Your evil (presumably white-cat-stroking) hands. Because obviously, Radiohead, you are geniuses,...
Dear Parent Who Writes Open Letters To Other Parents After Observing Them For Five Minutes, How did you get so smug? It’s an honest question really, I always veer on the side of “I’m not really sure what I’m doing” so I wanted to see how the other half lives. It must be a real brain-drain to run around dissecting everyone’s parenting all day long. I would love to benefit from your wisdom – since you are clearly perfect – but I’m too busy wading through all of your superiority to really pay attention to your point. You’re disgusted by the man who snaps at his son in line at Walmart. I was going to ask you if you’ve ever been to a Walmart, but clearly you have since you’re judging him from the checkout lane. Do you not understand how annoying Walmart can be? You may have thought it...
Dear Rogers: At one of your big press conferences, announcing your plans for Hockey Night In Canada, Ron Maclean said, tongue-in-cheek, to George Stroumboulopoulos “Don’t screw this up. It’s a big show.” In fact, Strombo was probably not as much in need of the warning as you, the broadcaster was. Using the money available to you as a publicly traded company and knowing it far exceeded anything a Crown Corporation could match, you secured the Canadian rights to the NHL. Bravo. No doubt you had quite an extensive team of people working for a very long time on your bid to ensure you could convince the NHL to go in another direction. The challenge you face is enormous. Hockey Night in Canada is as deeply woven into the cultural quilt of Canada as the beaver and the maple leaf....
Dear People Who Write Open Letters, I’ve had questions for you for a long time, but a recent Open Letter about how you’re offended when your husband asks you what you’ve been “up to” all day was the last straw. If you want your husband to realize that “the dishwasher’s not still full, it’s full again,” isn’t that a conversation you should have over a glass of wine on the couch before you Netflix a little Breaking Bad? What’d he think of your article? Did he go to work all unwitting and then see it when a buddy forwarded it to him in the office? Yo Bob saw you’re wifes article lol. Did your husband muse, “So that’s why the dishwasher’s full of unwashed Spaghetti-O’s bowls”? Is he writing an Open Letter to you about how it’s not actually that hard to get out of your PJ’s before 6pm...
Dear Textbook Publishers, I have a question for some of you. Having been in administration for quite a while now, I know that sometimes things that seem easy and obvious from the outside, aren’t. So I’m wondering if there’s a smarter answer to this than anything I can figure. Why aren’t all of you issuing all of your major textbooks in formats that are accessible to students with disabilities? I’m trying to be careful here. Some publishers are quite good about it, freely making available electronic editions of their popular texts so that students who need alternate formats can be up to speed from the first day of class. To you, I’m grateful. In the community college world, we’re focused on student success; it’s hard for a student to succeed when she can’t get the textbook until...
Dear Fair Go editorial team and reporters, THANK YOU! Thank you for listening to your loyal viewers and giving the boot (at least tonight) to the story-splitting format. Your investigation and reporting team do a fantastic job with their stories, and the new format was demeaning to their work. Well researched and presented stories deserve to be given our full attention, and I am so happy that the show has returned to the traditional format. Story-splitting regularly occurs on other TVNZ shows such as Border Patrol and Police Ten 7, and it works for these shows (and doesn't annoy us) because it is selling us the illusion that the intertwined stories are happening in real time and simultaneously. Issues tackled by Fair Go aren't happening all at the same time and it is disruptive...
Dear Open Letter, Seeing as how we don’t actually know one another and personal letters don’t generate any blog traffic, I’ve decided to publicly air my grievances against you in a format that positions you as the powerful elite and me as the scrappy underdog willing to take you on. I will begin with a backhanded compliment, thanking you for making it easy for bloggers like me to issue one-way rants against the people we don’t like while maintaining the appearance of a conversation. The compliment is just a formality intended to make me look generous. Don’t worry; things are about to get ugly. The fact is, Open Letter, it has come to my attention that you are overused. (Actually it came to my attention about three months ago, back when everyone else was blogging about open...
Dear Horrible Guys Sitting Behind Me at the Premiere of The Americans, Hello. I apologize for the impersonal open letter format, but I don’t actually know how else to contact you. I only known you as Those Guys That I Hate and you’ve only ever known me as That Humorless C*nt Who Told Us Everyone Hated Us After the Movie or Whatever This Thing Was. But formalities aside, I’d like to extend my gratitude. Initially, I could not have hated you more for your heckling of The Americans, specifically your laughter and comments whenever a woman talked about sex, had sex, or was killed because of sex. But after thinking it over, I feel I owe you some appreciation. You’ve opened my eyes to something very important, and for that I thank you. In regard to how it portrays its women, relationships...
