Consumer Complaints

To the creators of Arrow, Wendy Mericle, Marc Guggenheim and the CW Firstly, I wish to congratulate you on your journey so far. You have created a successful superhero show, which has spawned two other shows in its universe. Arrow has been pioneering for comic book TV, and I could not be more proud of what the show has accomplished. But it’s time for me to tell my story. I used to love Wednesday nights. Four years ago, a dark and gritty vigilante took over my screen, fighting injustice and ending cruelty in Starling City. Every scene, every moment of this man’s journey was a crucial and important step of his evolution to becoming a hero. And for two years, I was happy. My favourite super hero, Green Arrow, had been adapted to a different but also perfect hero for television....
Dear Bethesda, I have been a long time supporter of your company. Born in 1995, I only knew of your company and games in 2006 after the release of TES: Oblivion. Played it on the XBOX 360, and it was wonderful. Although I didn't finish the game (that time), I knew that this, is a great game created by a great company. And its because of you, Bethesda, that I fell in love with RPG games. Fallout 3 was just the best thing that happened for me in games. I spent days, putting aside my school homework and just playing Fallout 3. Then it was Fallout New Vegas. It was because of your games I had bad grades in school, but that's not your fault Bethesda. Then came Skyrim! Oh my god, do I remember the day I pre-ordered it. Here in Malaysia, we don't have the games stores like you...
Dear Apple, I have been a loyal customer of yours since 2008. Satisfied with the quality and experience of Apple Iphone, I gifted an Iphone 6 to my sister-in-law last year in June. My sister-in-law liked the phone and it was a good experience until we required after-sales service for it. The phone was dropped and the screen cracked a bit at the bottom of the iphone. Now, the phone works fine but it does not look very pretty. Please understand that I am not blaming Apple for our mistake. The phone was dropped by us and since the screen is made of glass, it broke. Some people might say glass used by Apple in Iphone 6 are too fragile, not me. I am still happy with my Iphone 4s. Our fault completely until this point. Then we got in touch with Apple support via chat and enquired about...
Dear Budweiser, In regards to your 2016 Super Bowl Ad, you know, the one that stars a frank Helen Mirren, I believe you have missed the point with your misguided attempt to stop people from drunk driving. First, I would like to applaud your efforts for wanting to stop drunk driving. Your $1 promise for every use of #Giveadamn on Super Bowl Sunday will surely support the decline in drunk driving. Your site, interesting name, I do hope people use this and I hope it lasts longer than Super Bowl Sunday. However, I would like to get to the point. I understand your stance, a "let me be frank, no nonsense" approach. But you missed a big opportunity here. I am sad you have made the focus of this ad more about shaming than educating. I will mention the most...
Respected Sir/Madam, Your Leisure, Hospitality...
I will be very honest and admit my own opinion in biased, but with good reason mind you. In my 60 years of life on Earth, I used 12 different lawyers and 4 of them were Canadian. Only 2 of the 12 gave me unprofessional service and one I forgave because he admitted being an alcoholic and to his credit sought out rehab on his own. All of them were paid their fees in full except for Gilmour whose services I terminated. And only Gilmour gave me reason to file this 200 page Law Society complaint: Why did I do it? Because I was stupid, naive, and gullible to believe the Law Society protected the public from dishonest lawyers and not vice versa (I frankly did see all these articles about the Law Society)
Dear offended fb members, I know I keep sharing some of your personal news feed and fb activity. My intension was never to offend you people. Instead I want to enlight your inner talent to this beautiful world. I don't want your inner talent should be limited to yourself. I know its really em brassing to get appreciation all of a sudden for beautiful work you have been doing to make our fb news feed interesting but you guys deserve this appreciation. And I will make sure I will keep highlighting your effort that you put to make fb awesome. So I hope you guys keep rocking and sharing your fb stuff.
My husband, Michael S. Kelly, was diagnosed with Congenital Spinal Stenosis in 1997 when he was admitted into North Oaks Hospital in Hammond, LA paralyzed from the neck down. Seven days later, he was released miraculously able to walk on his own. However, he was told that his condition was such that he could bend to tie his shoes one day and his paralysis could return and be permanent. He dealt with an enormous amount of pain and we, with no insurance, carried on with our lives as if all were normal. That all changed on June 29, 2014, when a bump on his head sent him back to North Oaks for an emergency life-saving surgery on July 1, 2014 in which the C3 through C7 vertebrae were removed from the back of his neck and the muscles sewn closed over the remainder of his spine. He...
Dear supplement industry - Manufacturers of natural supplements, I would like to understand more about the concept of a "whole food dietary supplement." Specifically, how can a dietary supplement even be compared on the same level as a whole food? A dietary supplement is not a whole food period. Most people should be consuming all of their nutrients from whole foods. Whole foods means actual food - not dietary supplements that say "whole foods" on them. Whole foods are foods that you eat with a knife fork and spoon, or possibly with a blender or juicer, or some other mechanism. So why are so many customers, vendors, and retail, wholesale, and business professionals coming to me with the impression that your products - dietary supplements - are considered to be whole foods?...
On Nov 28th my account got permanently banned while massing the corp beast with a bunch of friends. I'm quite positive that it was a manual one since one of my friends was streaming at that moment, and 5 minutes after my character showed up on the video I got kicked out of the game. So it seems like a mod was watching the stream, payed attention to my character & checked it up; I was wearing a dragon plateskirt, a dragon med helm and a granite body, while being logged in from an AirVPN exit node. Now I do understand how suspicious it must have looked if my character was wearing bot armor (for laughs), while being logged in from a possibly blacklisted IP. See I'm somewhat aware of my privacy and use VPN's quite regularly (AirVPN...
