Consumer Complaints

To, Mr. Rajiv Bajaj Managing Director Bajaj Motors. Sub: Loud three wheelers. Dear Sir, Your company has been the largest supplier of three wheelers or Autorickshaws as you call them in our country for the last so many years. You are also the leader in the manufacture and sale of two wheelers. Some of which excel in quality and performance compared to international standards. However, I'm sure every person today realises that auto-rickshaws are among the most noisiest of vehicles on the road. The older two stroke engines have annoying exhaust pipes, where as the four stroke engines are fairly better. But the general decibel of noise an auto-rickshaw makes is much greater than other vehicles. Im sure you have one of the best automobile R...
Dear Mr. McMillon, I am writing to you in response to the recent incident of the cisgender (non-transgender) woman who was mistaken as transgender and harassed in the women's bathroom of Walmart in Danbury, CT. While Walmart isn't responsible for customers' actions, Walmart's silence on this incident and on transgender people's right to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity speaks volumes about your company. The laws being passed in some parts of the United States forcing transgender people to use the bathroom of their birth gender or their chromosomes is cruel and demeaning, and borne out of ignorance, fear, and misinformed hysteria. Furthermore, the legislation achieves the opposite of what it set out to do. These laws are inviting harassment by forcing some...
I will preface this by saying that I’m a lifetime American Airlines Gold Member having flown more than 1MM miles on AA, and have also been either a Platinum or Executive Platinum member most years for the past decade. In other words, I have spent a small fortune with your airline, and you still insist on treating me like crud. Let's all agree that flying these days is nothing short of a miserable experience (Southwest, Alaska Air, and many international airlines excluded), made that much worse by surly American Airline employees, unprecedented horrible customer service and apathy toward your most loyal customers. I have accepted the fact that my "status" means little, except for early boarding and "free" luggage (ha!) and since the merger with USAir, I can't remember the last time I got...
Most of the gaming machines at Tulalip Casino are "penny" slots. They have a very high "hold" on them which means their payback to the customer is poor. In addition, when you increase your bet, the likelihood of winning does not go up. This is contrary to traditional slot gambling in Nevada and New Jersey. And penny machines play very fast, which means you lose your money even faster. Stay away from Tulalip Casino and its little brother, the "Q." Angel of the Winds casino is the same. You can't win there.
Dear Norwegian and Bjørn Kjos, Last week we were flying back from a lovely few days in Stockholm to the UK. It was a very pleasant flight - your planes are wonderful, the service is very friendly, and there's nothing much to complain about. Except that one of the in-flight 'entertainment' programs that you broadcast is highly inappropriate. Acts displaid in the video would be illegal in Norway by law, but more on that later. The offending video I'm talking about is Mad Animal Home Videos* Things started innocent enough with some cat- and dog videos (the ones you'd skip if you saw them on YouTube), but then some more disturbing videos appeared, supplied with cheerful music, funny sounds, and laughter. Because apparently Norwegian thinks it's hilarious to show videos of...
Dear BMW: BMW with Hole in Engine at 55,614 Miles “BMW with a hole in the engine at 55,614 miles.” I bet if you saw that headline somewhere you would just laugh and say to yourself, “this is just an Internet rumor with no basis.” Well, you would be wrong. My 2009 328i BMW has a hole in its engine at 55,614 miles and is leaking coolant and is not drivable. I am the original owner of this vehicle. I emphasize that I am the original owner because everyone that I have spoken with at BMW has asked that same question. I purchased the car new from West German BMW in Fort Washington, PA. I thought after doing my research on Edmunds and talking to other owners and car enthusiasts that a BMW would be a better, more reliable brand. I purchased my car believing that I was purchasing...
Dear Media, It’s no secret that there has always been a problem with racism in the media. Issues ranging from using adjectives like “nappy” or “unkempt” while describing natural hair, to tv and movies perpetuating racist stereotypes by giving people of color roles like “thug” or “criminal”, is thrown up in front of audiences all over the world through magazines, television, newspapers, social media sites etc. This is something that needs to stop.While it is a deep seated issue that will take years and years to fully end racism through media, we need to start working on ways to end this now. There is a video called the “Doll Video” that you can easily access through youtube. Look it up. It is a truly heartbreaking video that...
LETTER TO FACEBOOK: I am writing this letter in response to the exceptionally large drop in reach of our posts recently. Less than 1% of our current posts are reaching our friends. I’ve read all about your reasons for limiting posts that look like advertising, but unfortunately this is the mainstay of our existence. We are a small community of less than 7 000 people living in the outback of South Africa. For more than a year now we have used Facebook to let people know what is happening in our town. We have been promoting the use of Facebook wherever we can and now have more than 3 700 friends. 98% of them use their smartphones on a pre-paid basis and can’t afford to “surf” the web. We do our best to keep them informed of special deals and the latest product offerings. Our pages represent...
Hi my name is Mali and first of all I want to thank you for producing and writing such a fantastic tv show, this has been, at least for me, my way to disconnect from real world and enjoy things I have always liked, like comics. As a person whose main job is television related I always knew that tv shows based in comics are that: tv shows that take ideas from comic books but that write their own path, and from that point I always knew where was I getting myself into. I stayed and I will stay here, watching it, enjoying it, as much as the rest of the fans because the story is compelling, we connected with it, we still do, and we know there’s a lot more places to go, I mean there are 52 earths and I am certainly you can always find things to keep us here, watching Oliver struggle with his...
Dear Fandom, I'm sorry your ship is dead. I'm sorry Black Canary is dead. I'm sorry you ever thought a ship where the guy cheat on the woman constantly, including her own sister, and had a kid with another woman, was a healthy ship. I'm sorry that you think that a woman with no self-esteem, who always go back to the guy who cheats on her (90% sure because she like his name and money) is a great role model. A woman who never face her own problem, who always blame other for her mistakes... You think that a woman who graduate from MIT at 19, isn't a good role model. Apparently a strong woman isn't allow to cry (of course Laurel never cried right?). She buil the Atom suit and when Ray wouldn't go save Oliver, she put the suit and save him herself. She did play with Ray's emotion to have...
